Lunch time

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"It does involve a few people in our school..." I said. Ms. Susan nodded and said," Go on."

"I-I was standing at my locker getting ready for first period like normal. An-and my locker shut all the sudden. I saw Taylor Carr there. She just started saying very awful things to me."

"And what was she saying?"

"She was saying that she heard I was dating Aaron and then she, then she..." I drifted off not knowing if I could even go on. I looked down while Aaron took my hand which made me look up at him. He told me that it was all okay and that I need to tell them. I started to speak again.

"Then she told me how ugly I was. She told me all of my flaws. Every single one. Adele Rose and Lindsay Simpson came over to make fun of me with Taylor. They told me I was a mistake. I shouldn't be here. Then they said..." I paused as I held back my tears. "Then they said that maybe I should just go kill myself. It made me realize that they were right about everything." Tears started to roll down my face as Aaron embraced me to calm me down.

"Ms. Smith, you are not a mistake and nobody deserves to have any of those words said to them. We are all put on this earth for a reason. We will have a talk with Adele, Taylor, and Lindsay and they will be punished." Ms.Susan said.

"I don't want the-them to be punished is just don't want them to her anybody else." I said with staggered breaths.

"It's the only way. I'm sorry but you don't want anybody to go through what you did, do you?"

"No..." I answered.

"Exactly. It will all turn out okay in the end and they will learn they're lesson. Don't worry, it will be okay." Ms. Susan told me with a smile. "And remember that if you ever need to talk that I'm always here."

"And so am I." I hear Aaron say. I looked over to him and he gave me a smile. I knew he was here for me and he always will be. We were dismissed to go to lunch. Wow, that meeting took much longer than I had expected. It actually felt good letting it all out. Our principal was typing on his computer the entire time. He was most like typing what I was saying so he can figure out a punishment for Taylor, Adele, and Lindsay. While I was thinking about this, I had totally forgot about lunch. Oh no. This couldn't go well. There will be so many people.

"Aaron, there's going to be so many people in the cafeteria." I told him. I was honestly a little scared to face ten all.

"Your gonna have to face them sooner or later and if you do it now, people won't look at you the same in the future. You will just get it over with. And i know with you. Right by your side. You just have to stay strong. If anybody says anything to you, just tell me." Aaron told me. He was so caring.

"Okay, your right."

"I know," Aaron said with a cheeky smile,"Now lets go, I'm starving!" He rubbed his stomach to show that he was hungry and It made me laugh.

When we got into the noisy lunchroom, the noise died down and everybody stared at me. Aaron took my hand as I just kept my head down, not making eye contact with anybody. Aaron and I just got our lunches and found an empty table to sit at. Everybody's eyes followed me as I walked to our table. I thought it was bad in the hall way but in the cafeteria, it was one hundred times worse...

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