Just talk to me

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Ana's P.o.v.

I woke up in a hospital gown lying in a hospital bed. What happened and why am I here? Then it all hit me. I tried killing myself last night but Aaron saved me. I was relieved yet disappointed. I shouldn't be here right now. I don't deserve Aaron or his parents or anything else. All of these thoughts were running through my mind and it was giving me a headache. I paged the nurse and she soon came with some Advil to help my headache. It went away after a couple of minutes. I lied there just thinking about everything. My thoughts were interrupted by the nurse coming into my room.

"You have a visitor, Ms. Smith." The nurse told me. Just as she said that, Aaron walked in the door. I was so happy to see him. Even though I haven't been awake since last night, I even missed him in my dreams.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Hi." Aaron said. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

"I know it's only been a day it feels like a lifetime." Aaron said with a small smile. I agreed. He looked into my eyes.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about this," Aaron said, "but I need to know, why did you try to kill yourself?" I knew that question was going to come up. I looked at him and stayed silent.

"Please tell me." Aaron said sympathetically. I looked at him.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"It's okay if you aren't into talking about it right now but you are going to have to soon." Aaron told me.

"I will."

"Soon?" Aaron asked.

"I don't know."

"Just talk about it now. It will be over with." Aaron said.

"I don't want to talk about it!" I yelled. And tears came rushing down my face. I felt bad for yelling at Aaron like that. He was only trying to help. He looked hurt but not because of me yelling at him, because of me crying and being depressed. He sat in the bed and wiped my tears.

"Babe, please. Just talk to me." Aaron said coming close to me. I took a deep breath.

"Yesterday at school, right after first period, Taylor came up to my locker. She started telling me how ugly and fat I was and just kept pointing out my flaws. Then Adele and Lindsay came over. They teased me for crying and told me that you were probably just dating me out of pity. They started telling me that I don't belong here and nobody want me here. One of them told me-," I paused as a tear ran down my face," one of them told me that I should just go kill myself. I ran outside and all of these thoughts kept running through my head. I was thinking that maybe everybody would be better off without me. It made me realize that se was right about everything. I was thinking she was right, I should just kill myself." I told him and fell into his arms crying. He held me tighter as each sob got louder.

"Don't believe anything they say to you. You are gorgeous inside and out and the only thing fat with you is your heart. Your the most amazing girl ever and there would be a hole in my heart if you weren't here. I am not your boyfriend out of pity, I am your boyfriend out of love. I love you so much, Ana. When I saw you trying to kill yourself in the bathroom," he took a breath, " it felt like the world was in slow motion. Then when I read your suicide note, I broke down. Ana, I can't imagine life without you. You complete me. I love you, Ana, I love you." Aaron said. He was now crying and so was I but my tears were tears of joy. I wiped his tears and looked into his eyes.

"You broke your promise." Aaron said as he let out a loud sob and tears rushed down his face. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. I was crying too. I remember that I had promised him I would never try to hurt myself again. We let out if the hug as I looked into his deep blue eyes.

"Aaron, I promise you that I will never hurt myself again or try to kill myself. This time, I'm keeping my promise. I promise with all my heart. I love you more than you think. More than you love me!" I let out a little laugh and so did he.

"I love you with every bone in my body. You will never love me more!" He said trying to compete.

"If you love me so much, yell to the world saying that you love me!" I told him.

"Okay, I will." Aaron said. He leaned over and whispered in my ear "I love you". I was confused.

"I said yell to the world. Why did you whisper it to me?" I asked.

"Because you are my world." Aaron said with a smile. I smiled as a tear of joy fell down my cheek. I crashed my lips into his. I can't leave. I won't. Not now.

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