Chapter 2: pyrmid over yonder and camel race

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Chef led us to the pyramid were dad was dressed up in a pharo costume waiting for the rest of us.
"Dad what's with the costume?" I asked.
"Don't worry Amanda this is just one of the many costumes you'll get to see this summer!" Dad said.
"As long as I don't have to wear them"
"Aw I think you'd look really cute in a Egyptian queen costume"Alejandro said.
I turned my head and flipped my hair at him.
"Moving on" dad said. "This challenge is called pyramid over yonder, which means you can choose to go over or through the pyramid, then race to the three colored matts at the finish line, now GO!"
I saw Owen, Izzy, Leshawna, Noah, Sierra, Heather,D.J, Cody, and Harold go through while the rest of us me, Alejandro, Tyler, Courtney, Gwen, Duncan and Bridget went over. Alejandro was doing great, Courtney and Duncan decided to belay, Gwen was struggling so Courtney added her to the belay. I was good my gymnastics skills were really helping me out. When I reached the top it was really steep and I had to carefully climb down. At the last three steps I decided to hop off doing a flip into the sand. My landing was a little sloppy and off balance and but it still impressed Bridget, Alejandro, Gwen and Duncan. I made my way over to dad I would decide on which team to be on later, team one made up Harold, lindsay, leshawna, D.J, and Bridget. Just one person left dad asked Gwen, Duncan and Courtney to sing a reprise song but Duncan refused and quit and brought Courtney and Gwen down from the pyramid and cut himself Loose.
"I'll be waiting on the plane for a ride home" Duncan said storming off . To even out the number of competitors on each team dad decided to move to team two Alejandro was the first person. Just then Owen and Noah ran out joining Alejandro. The other members of team two were: Tyler, and sierra. Team three made up: Cody, Heather, Courtney, Gwen and Izzy.
"Ok everyone Amanda is joining one of your teams the decision is hers" dad said.
"Well I guess I will be on team two" I said. //confession: It was a hard decision to make, on team one you have Miss brain dead (Lindsay) and Harold, on team two you've got Tyler, and on team three: miss CIT, queen of mean and crazy."//end of confession.
"Great, now that teams are made you have a minute to come up with team names" dad said.
Team one decided on team victory, team three: Amazon and my team couldn't decide on a name.
"Got team Chris is really 4X hot" Sierra said.
"DUDE THAT'S MY DAD AND THAT'S JUST WEIRD. I DON'T want to be on a team were the name is my dad is really 4X hot"
"Awesome, best team name ever" dad said. "Now for the rewards, team victory you get a stick, team Chris is really5X hot"
"I think there were only four reallys" Alejandro said.
"Goat" dad said pushing a goat towards us. "And team Amazon you get a camel. Time for the camel race"
"So the team that comes in last gets a camel, they get a goat and we get a stick?!" Leshawna whined.
"Each reward has it's advantages. The next part of your challenge is to use your rewards to help you find the Nile river, so...start strategizing, you have three minutes."
Team Amazon climbed on the camel Alejandro positioned us on the goat, Alejandro had to carry me since there wasn't any room left.
"Hey prince ali... catch" I said. I did a front flip into Alejandro's arms.
"Nice flip" Alejandro said.
//confession: "no I don't like Alejandro I like Noah I just wish I could tell him I love him, but I get so nervous just looking at him *sighs lovingly* End of confession.// Dad told us we could go so Izzy spoke to the camel and it started moving, Alejandro worked his magic to get the goat to move and team victory started running. Not much longer we spotted the Nile and Alejandro changed our direction and we watched as team Amazon began to disappear from view.
"Anyone seen team victory?" I asked, the boys shrugged and I didn't have time to worry about it because we made it to the river.
"There's the finish line!" Tyler said excitedly.
"Yeah on the other side" Noah said. Dad said something but none of us could hear.
"Did you guys catch any of that?" Owen asked.
"Welcome to the last part of the challenge, basket weave a boat and row across bringing your rewards AkA goat face!" Dad said through a megaphone.
"Hey" Tyler whined
"I believe he meant the goat" Alejandro said.
Sierra was really excited she claimed to be a fourth generation basket weaver. I have to say that I was impressed she put together half the boat so quickly, team Amazon showed up and then Izzy got traded for Sierra.
"Don't give up we still have a chance" Alejandro said. We finished the boat, and team Amazon had trouble getting the camel into the boat. Alejandro asked Izzy to talk to the camel to show that our team was going to win fairly. We heard the music bell and we had to sing while we rowed across the river.
Sings with the team

Team Amazon won the challenge so we would be joining team victory in loser class. At the elimination ceremony Ezikial was voted out and Duncan jumped out before we turned around.
Confession// "it's all Alejandro's fault were in loser class, he just had to play fair, um hello it's a million dollars! There's no fair in money// end of confession. I walked into the suite and said goodnight to dad, I was glad to have my own room, I was tired so I fell asleep quickly, tomorrow we had a day off.

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