Chapter 34: going home

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I woke up the next morning with something I needed to tell dad and the others. I decided this on my own last night Clair had nothing to do with my choice. I quickly got dressed and joined everyone in the common area.

"There you are!" Dad said when I walked in

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"There you are!" Dad said when I walked in. I smiled weakly.

"I have something to tell all of you" I said.

"What is it sweetie?"

I took a shaky breath and told everyone what was on my mind.

"I've decided to leave the show there's only about four episodes left including this one and I don't think it's fair for me to win or continue on"

"Ok, if that's what you want"
It is I wish everyone the best of luck, congrats on making it to the final four."

Dad told me to go get my stuff and he would fly me home.

"I bet you're excited to see Clair again" Heather said as she was helping me pack up.

"Yeah" I said with a laugh.

"Could you perform one more song before you go?"

"Sure let me find a good one." I unpacked my keyboard and mic And set up my stuff in the common area.

"I'm going to play one more goodbye song. Enjoy"

"Thank you for Everything Amanda" Noah said giving me hug and a kiss goodbye.

"You're welcome bye Noah I love you and I'll see you at the finale"

I hugged everyone goodbye and we headed home. When I got to the airport Clair was there to pick me up. We screamed and ran to each other.
"I missed you so much" We said at the same time, giving Each other a hug.

"Thank you for the awesome songs Clair" I said.

We chatted for a bit till dad said goodbye to us, then I put my stuff into Clair's car and we drove back home.

"So are you and Cody together?" I asked when we stepped inside.

"Yeah we are, and you have Noah right?"


Clair and I talked about our relationships with Cody and Noah and watched the show Heather won the challenge and Duncan went home so now Heather's in the final two either Noah or Alejandro will take the second spot.
"I want Heather to win !" Clair and I said at the same time, I didn't want to go against Clair and root for my boyfriend.

"Did dad tell you what time we'll have to leave in few days to get to Hawaii?" Clair asked.

"oh yeah he said six thirty AM"


"I know right."

"I heard you got a record deal, can I be your song writer?"

"I'll have to ask my agent but yeah I'm pretty sure that would be ok"

"I've missed you a ton"

"Me too." after the show was over Clair and I head upstairs to bed. I can't believe in three days someone is going to win total drama world tour, and then I'm going to be recording songs in a recording studio and possibly becoming famous. I just hope my friends will come and visit me and come to my concerts. I know they would I just hope they're not too busy to not come. I'm so excited I could barely sleep. I decided to listen to music and dance around my room to make myself tired. After about twenty minutes of dancing around in my pajamas and listening to music I began to get sleepy and went to bed.

I was all alone in loser class well not alone  Alejandro's here but he's asleep so I have no one to talk to. I missed Amanda I really wished she stayed I have no one to hold or kiss. I feel so alone. I miss Amanda cuddling up to me and me playing with her beautiful hair.
"I love you Amanda" I whispered to nothing. I'm so bored with Amanda gone I want to win this game, I want to win for her, for Amanda. I wanted to go sleep in Amanda's bed so I could feel her presence, but I didn't want to get in trouble with Chris, it's not worth getting kicked off

I miss Noah but at least I'll get to see him at the finale. I want him to win but I feel like that's selfish of me, so if Heather wins I won't be disappointed. The reason I feel selfish for wanting Noah to win is because Clair wants Heather to win so rooting for Heather is not a bad option for me it's actually better. I think it's better to be neutral and root for Heather than go against Clair and root for Noah. If only Gwen was in the finale three. I really missed Gwen, Gwen, Heather Alejandro and Noah. I miss them all.

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