Chapter7: Truth or dare?

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When I woke up Heather was gone so I checked first class, she was there with the rest of the team except for Courtney.
"Good morning Amanda" Sierra said.
"Good morning" I replied sitting next to Gwen.
"So we have another day off what are we gonna do?"
"Whatever you guys want."
"Can we play truth or dare?" Cody asked.
"Yeah just let me go ask the others."
I got up to go see if team victory and my team wanted to play truth or dare, Alejandro, Noah, Owen, Izzy, Lindsay, Heather, Gwen, Cody and I were the ones playing. Lindsay went first.
"Gwen truth or dare?"
"Truth" Gwen said without thinking, smart choice.
"Who do you think is the cutest guy in this room?"
// confession "wow ok I was not expecting that from Lindsay, OH MY GOSH!" // end of confession.
"Noah" Gwen quickly said, which I thought was good, better to lie than have someone get the wrong idea (Cody or Alejandro .) Noah got dared by Gwen to eat something out of Owen's luggage bag. I couldn't tell what it was, it had fuzz on it and it was all moldy and green. I went to the kitchen to grab a chocolate bar , water and a barf bag for Noah so he could eat the chocolate bar, drink the water and use the bag if he needed after eating whatever the moldy thing was. Noah asked Cody why he liked Gwen so much. Good truth I always wondered that.
"She's really pretty and smart" Cody said.
"Thank you" Gwen said with a smile. Cody dared Izzy to go find chef tap him in the arm and run away. Izzy came back laughing must have went well but who knows it's Izzy. Owen was dared to tap dance with underwear on his head, Alejandro had to confess who he really loved.
"I like Amanda a lot Okay" Alejandro said.

I gave a week smile, Alejandro likes me but I don't like him back. I bit my lip as I tried to sneak a glance at Noah.
"What was that about? Gwen asked.
"we'll talk later" I said

I was unfortunately dared by Alejandro to perform a song, I went to my room to get my music stuff then set it up to follow through with my dare. I made sure everything was hooked up right then began.

"That was awesome" Heather said can you do another one please?"
" Ok one more but then you still have to take a turn."
"I will if you do one more song"
"Fine" I groaned and started another song.

I finished and gave a bow then got the crowd (well the other contestants) going on with a big round of applause.
"thank you for that encore Amanda"
"Your welcome but I only did it because it was a dare and you're my friend and I'd do anything for my friends. By the way that one was about me, Clair wrote it."// confession "ok I think I like performing I was lying to myself the entire time, I just didn't know it. I don't have stage fright I was just afraid of being judged and it stopped me from doing something I love, well not anymore."// end of confession. The last person to be dared or asked a truth was Heather.
Heather picked truth, "who is your favorite competitor that's not like a friend but who you think is the best competitor in game play?" I asked. "I think everyone has great game play in their own way and I respect each and every one of you." Heather said. Wow I guess Heather is a much nicer person, she definitely surprised me but so has everyone else so far only time will tell what is to come but just like Heather said I have respect for everyone in the game even Courtney, she just has a different approach to life and the game. We finished playing truth or dare and just chilled for the rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking aboutAlejandro said, and my feelings towards Noah. I don't know what to do I really like him but I have no idea how to talk to him. I just tried thinking about what Clair would do then I figured she'd ask her friends advice so that's what I'm planning to do.  I told Gwen what I was thinking and she gave me some advice.
"Tell him how you feel, he might feel the same way you just won't know until you go for it."

"Ok I'll try to tell him, good night "
Gwen was right I needed to find a way to tell Noah how I feel. What if... he could be the one. I just want to be careful I don't do to well with relationships I don't want things to end in heartbreak. I was finally able to get some sleep when my body decided that I needed the rest Which I did, everyone needs their rest before the challenges, you never know what's coming.

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