Chapter 17: two in a million

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I wake up the next morning thinking about Noah our date last night was perfect but he didn't say he loved me back and that upsets me. I roll over and it's six o'clock It's dark out so I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep. The next time I wake up it's ten thirty so I got out of bed and throw on my clothes.

When I stepped into economy Noah seemed to be waiting for me

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When I stepped into economy Noah seemed to be waiting for me.
"Good morning princess" he said.
"Hi" I said taking a seat besides him.
"Were are we going next?"
"I'm not allowed to tell you but I'm exited for it." I turned away from Noah afraid to look at him, I try to collect myself to tell him that he upset me, but I can't I just sit there like a dingbat fidgeting with my hands.

Amanda looks nervous about something, she's fidgeting with her hands, I put my hand on her shoulder and smiled.
"You know you can tell me anything right?" I asked. Amanda nodded then looked away, Owen leaned over and whispered saying that she's probably uncomfortable, I can see that she definitely is nervous about something.

I'm too nervous to tell Noah how I feel I got up to find Heather and or Gwen, they were in first class finishing there breakfast.
"Girls I need help with a love emergency" I said, Heather got up and we went into the hallway.

"Ok it's Noah right?" Heather asked.

"Yes, what should I do or say?"

"Do you have a song?"

"That's it thanks Heath!" I said running to my room I flipped through Clair's song book and I found the perfect one. I went to get my mic and speakers. When I came back to economy I told Noah I wanted to sing a song for him. We went to the suite and I began.

Noah joined in, he made it fit perfectly and we  actually sounded pretty good together.

"I've been trying to find a way to tell you that I love you a ton, more than you think" I said trying to hint Noah into what I wanted him to say. I tried to hide the tears in my eyes. Noah took my hands and started into my eyes.

"I have strong feelings for you too and I am happy being with you " Noah leaned in and we kissed again, it was better than the last kiss we had

"So you do love me ?" I asked.

"Does this answer your question?" Noah said exchanging another kiss.

"I take that as a yes" I said. I
smiled brightly.

"I just wanted to make sure that I loved you before I said yes then realized I don't, but I do love you"

//confession"  I'm so happy  Noah is so amazing I feel like the luckiest girl in the world."// end of confession.

I had no idea I upset Amanda but I probably should've known I see the way she looks at me I can admit that I love her she's so beautiful, smart and very talented she's everything any guy like me could want and I'm in love with her, I'm the luckiest guy in the world.

"Amanda I know you like to dance so since we're alone would you like to dance... with me?" I asked.
Amanda nodded with a smile, she put on a song and we danced together.

Amanda smiled and thanked me for the dance then went back to first class,probably to see Heather and Gwen. I went back to economy and talked to the team they were so happy that Amanda and I are so happy together, I wondered what Chris might say.

I was in first class talking about how things went with Noah to Heather and Gwen
"What was it like? What did he say? How did things go? Tell me everything" Heather said.

"Well he jumped in with me and we sounded... amazing then I
I told him How I feel and he said that he was very happy being with me and he said That he loves me and proved he does, and then... we kissed."

"No way... Amanda that's awesome I'm so happy for you"
I smiled.
"That's not all, after that we danced to the beauty and the beast song and it was just... perfect."
"Aww I'm happy for you" Gwen said. I smiled again, I had some pretty amazing people in my life. I layed back in my seat and closed my eyes, I was thinking about Clair and wondered how she was doing.  Just then Cody started laughing.

"She's awesome!" Cody said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Clair, your sister she's hilarious" Cody said pointing at his phone. I guess Clair and Cody swapped phone numbers in Paris.

"Dude stop texting my sister that's weird" I said. Cody rolled his eyes then Continued texting Clair. I got up from my seat and went to my room I wanted to practice my dancing again and I seriously needed to get away from Cody he was freaking me out. Why of all people did Clair have to get Cody's number? Tyler would have been better. I decided not to let it bother me even if it did I just tried focusing on being happy Noah and I were together and Clair left me her song book with great songs for me. I put on some music from my iPod and practiced my dancing. Tomorrow will be a really fun day for dad and I nothing is going to ruin it.

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