Chapter 11: more chill time

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I woke up the next morning and slowly crawled out of my bed

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I woke up the next morning and slowly crawled out of my bed. "Why do we have so many days off?" I headed to loser class and sat down between Noah and Alejandro.
"Good morning Amanda!" Owen said. I waved hi and rested my head on Noah's shoulder as I sat down.
"How did you sleep?" Noah asked. I found it kinda strange that I actually didn't mind him putting his arms around me I usually don't like having people put their arms around me unless it's dad, but I didn't mind so I made myself comfortable.
"I slept good" I replied.
"Well then does that mean you were with the Amazons?" Noah asked.
"No way I'd maim Sierra and Courtney before the sun comes up I'm only friends with you guys and Heather and Gwen."
Noah nodded to show understanding and  I went back to my room to grab my notebook and started a new drawing after a bit the drawing started to take shape then I realized it was Noah .
//confession "did I really do that? Now I'm embarrassed, wait I can make this work without it being weird I just need everyone else."//end of confession. To pass time I doodled everyone else in my notebook, I even did Courtney no matter how much I hate her she needed to be part of my secret art project. I only managed to do six people for today but I would keep working on it. I got a few board games out of the suite and asked if anyone wanted to play.  My team, Heather, Gwen and I played clue, Yahtzee and scatagories to pass the time, we had so many rest days and we get board sometimes so I try my best to entertain everyone, I decided to play a quick song for everyone they all love it when I perform.  I got my keyboarded, mic and speakers and I began the song.

I put so much emotion into the song and it paid off everyone clapped for me and I saw dad saw the whole thing too.
"Amanda that's your best performance yet Heather said. I gave a bow and thanked everyone for being so supportive when I perform, I guess my performance side has been hiding inside me all along and I'm so glad that it came out and dad brought my music stuff along, he knew once I performed I would learn to love it.
I packed up my stuff and put it back in my room, then joined the Amazons In first class.
Amanda gave another outstanding performance I wish she'd hang out in economy class more often, but I get it first class is more comfortable and she's really good friends with Heather and Gwen, I layed back trying to rest for a bit, I closed my eyes and thought about Amanda she's absolutely perfect I'm so glad she's my girl.

In first class I was hanging out with the girls trying my best to ignore Courtney but sadly that didn't exactly happen. Gwen and Heather were congratulating me on a great performance.
"Amanda you are so talented, I can't believe how well you sang that song" Gwen said. I heard Courtney scoff and she shook her head.
"Yeah Amanda's amazing, we get it!" Courtney whined.
"Courtney if you don't shut up I'll.." I started
"What you gonna do go tattle tale to your dad on me? Grow up Amanda!"
"I was going to say I'll make you go home next week... and don't think I won't" I said as I stormed off to the confessional room. //confession "I am so tired of Courtney being bossy and cutting me down I need to show everyone who she really is " //end of confession. Courtney really did need to be exposed and I knew just how to do it I began writing a plan down in my notebook. Courtney is evil and she will not win this game, I won't let that happen someone else deserves the money but definitely not wicked whitch. After dinner I logged onto my laptop to check the song list Clair shares with me I also checked the song book, after double checking the song book and the google drive I finally found the perfect song that describes Courtney's evil personality I was going to expose her soon. I got ready for bed it was a long day and I was tired, I needed  my sleep we had another big day tomorrow, we were going to Germany with a big challenge we all need to be prepared and get our rest. Dad came in later to tuck me in.
"I'm very proud of you baby" dad said.
"For what"I asked with a yawn.
"For performing and not letting your fear stop you, your so amazing and everyone else can see it to, love you baby girl"
"Love you too."

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