Chapter 18: newfoundland

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I woke up in the best mood, I was really excited that our challenge was in Newfoundland. I quickly threw my clothes on and joined my team in economy.

 I quickly threw my clothes on and joined my team in economy

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Amanda walked into economy and sat besides me.
"And how is my princess today?" I asked.
"Good" Amanda said kissing my cheek gosh I love her, she's just perfect and I can't put in to words how amazing she is. Just then Heather fell from the vents.

"Doing a little spying are we Heather?" Alejando asked. Heather looked embarrassed then tried to cover it up by doodling on her notepad.
" no I'm not spying just... Owen you have a ticket for a fashion crime your socks reek Heather said. I rolled my eyes, only Heather would be that stupid. Heather got up and went back to first class.
" I have no idea what just happened" Amanda said laying her head on my shoulder,I began to play with her hair it's so soft Amanda smiles and closes her eyes.

Noah was in the middle of playing with my hair when I excused myself to go talk to dad. Daddy and I were very excited for our challenge today,  when we landed dad said I could either skip it or participate.
"I want to participate Daddy" I said.
"I've been waiting for this challenge the whole time" dad nodded with a smile. We landed in the water and dad told us to get to our team boats.!D.J had a motor for his boat since he's a team of one. The music bell went off so we began to sing.

Sings with Heather

When we reached the island Heather was there shucking clams by herself.
"Want some help with that?" I asked.
"Don't you want to participate in this challenge?" Heather responded
"I do but helping my friend is more important than the challenge. Heather put her arm around me and smiled. We sat by the water shucking the clams together.

"Where's your team?" I asked Heather.
"No clue, I put Courtney in charge when I left to go help D.J" Heather said.
"Maybe they got lost"
Heather shrugged and we went back to shucking the clams.
//confession "I feel so bad that Heather has to do that by herself so I had to help her, I know Alejandro would do the same for me, Noah! I meant Noah. I want the tape give me the tape how do you open this thing"// end of confession.

The challenge was for each team member to chug vinegar in a relay then one team member had to kiss a cod like they mean it.
// confession "no wonder Noah's cousins aren't allowed to watch this show it's messed up I'm sorry that Amanda has to deal with this all the time, no wait *covers camera*// end of confession. D.J and Tyler ended up with a tie, I painted an Egyptian symbol on D.J's fish, I thought if I did that and pretended I noticed that D.J would believe me then I gain his trust easy strategy.

When I finished helping Heather I went back inside to watch the rest of the challenge. Since the challenge was almost over. I asked dad if I could do it by myself, I did it faster than anyone, I knew I would not one person here has done it before, I have, it's sort of a family tradition. Dad is from Newfoundland and we come visit his cousin every year. My team and D.J tied in the challenge so D.J will be riding in first class with us to our next destination, but first my team, D.J and I would be enjoying our reward, a clam and fish chowder dinner, ok not my favorite but it's actually better than it sounds. As we were dining on the chow I saw Alejandro's evil smirk and that really bugs me, Is he keeping secrets from me, Like messing with the game again? I hope he's not going back to manipulating the competitors. After we finished our meal dad and I said goodbye to cousin jurg. As I got ready for bed I started thinking about Clair, I know she would have loved the challenge today, I reached up and touched my locket.
"I miss you Clair" I said to myself hoping Clair could hear me through her heart. I got ready for bed by showering brushing  my teeth and hair then put my pajamas on. I went to first class and settled into the seat the boys were watching a movie that I had no interest in watching, I'm not a fan of marvel superheroes, so instead I plugged in my earbuds and put on my slow playlist that I use when I'm trying to sleep. I found that the music was very calming and I soon drifted off to sleep and melted away from the real world, into my dream.

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