Chapter: 12: germany

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I woke up in my room and looked out the window we had landed I saw that there was snow on the ground. I got up and put on my outfit for today leaving my hair the way it was but just brushing it a bit.

I went to the back of the suite to grab a coat for extra warmth then dad led us outside we heard the music bell

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I went to the back of the suite to grab a coat for extra warmth then dad led us outside we heard the music bell.
"We're in avalanche territory so keep the singing nice and not loud" dad said in a whisper shout.
Sings "unless I get to you first to Courtney after Courtney sings

After the avalanche we hiked up the hill to the meat grinders our challenge was making a sausage sled with the meat pile and grinders.
"Is there gonna be a reward at the end. Of this salmonella challenge?" Leshawna asked.
Owen's eyes lit up I guessed he was hungry.
"Mm salmonella" he said
"Idiot" I thought as I faced palmed.
My team got busy making sausages. Tyler did the grinding, Owen stuffed, I packed and Alejandro shoveled, and Noah had to babysit Izzy so she didn't kill herself trying to climb into the grinder. I looked over at the Amazons sled it was terrible, it was too small to be a sled, then I realized Sierra was sculpting a meat Cody. "Makes sense why the sled is so small."
"Meat Cody nooo" Sierra said as the meat Cody slid down the hill, me and Noah started laughing. Cody pointed over at our sled.
"At least we have a sausage" he said.
Owen had eaten the entire packing meat for our sled so dad allowed us to ride Owen down the hill. We were first to make it down the hill. The next part of our challenge was performing a traditional German dance.  Dad had on a Germa hat , at least it wasn't a costume, as it turns out one of the Amazons had to wear the penalty costume. Dad made Cody wear it.
"You look sooo cute in that" I said mockingly to Cody.
"Shut up Amanda" Cody snapped back. I glared and flipped my hair at him. Alejandro was flirting with Leshawn, I glared at him and growled
//confession "he's doing it again playing the girls and trying to send them home, I promise myself I will never be friends with him."// end of confession. I flipped my hair at Alejandro again and tried to focus on the change.
"You ok manda?" Gwen Asked.
"Can we talk later?" I asked back.
"Sure" Gwen said placing her hands on my shoulders. I watched as the dance continued.
"That's it size the day!" Alejandro said to leshawna.
"She's not on your team" Heather cried. Leshawna pushed Heather off the platform and smacked her across the face I ran over to her.
"LEAVE HER ALONE!" I shouted. Everyone turned and started at us Leshawna got up in my face.
"What are you gonna tell on me to your daddy huh? What's he gonna do?" I have had enough of Leshawna. I punched her in the arm and then she shoved me backwards into the snow. I started coughing, the cold temperature triggered my asthma. Dad came over to us and helped me up.
"Heather take her back to the plane and make sure she gets her oxygen tank she needs it!"
Heather helped me back to the plane and I got my tank out and turned it on. I hope Leshawna goes home team came back to check on me when the challenge was over. They said they were sorry about what Leshawna did.
"I hate her I hope she's going home." After the elimination ceremony dad said that Leshawna went home.
"Good" I said. "Can you ask Gwen to come back here daddy?" I asked. Dad nodded.Gwen came in to see me ten minutes later. "Your dad said you asked for me" Gwen said. I nodded and Gwen took a seat at the foot of my bed.
"So why were you upset earlier?" Gwen asked.
"Alejandro was flirting with Leshawna and he's trying to send all the girls home and I'm worried he'll go after Heather soon." I said Gwen shook her head.
"Heather will be fine don't worry" Gwen said as she layed besides me
"Do you mind if I have a sleepover in here with you." 

"No I don't mind" I said shaking my head and got up to put on my pajamas brush, my teeth and hair. dad came to tuck me in a little bit later.

"Goodnight girls" dad said then kissed my forehead. "Love you Amanda"

"Love you too" I said sleepily.

"I hope Amanda is okay" Owen said.
I nodded . I saw how upset she was with Alejandro for messing with the girls and how he gotBridget out of the game a few days ago.

"I hope she's okay too" I said.
Amanda is great and I can easily say that I'm in love with her.

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