Chapter 33: Africa are you lion?

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I woke up with the sun shining in my face and I looked over at Noah was really pale.
"You ok Noah?" I asked. Noah held his stomach and moaned.
"I'll tell my dad your sitting out of today's challenge ok?" Noah nodded and smiled.
"thank you" Noah whispered. I nodded then went to go get dressed.

I threw my hair into a ponytail and then we landed shortly after

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I threw my hair into a ponytail and then we landed shortly after. We were in Africa and dad had on another costume.

"Nice dress!" Duncan said mockingly.
Dad said it was a traditional massi warrior guard.
The challenge was for us to get plums from the end of the finish line while everyone else tried to throw us of focus by kicking soccer balls at us then we had to use cricket bats to hit the plums to open up our gourds at the other end of the running area or whatever it's called. I told dad that Noah was sick and would be sitting out. Alejandro went first coming in perfectly, then Heather who didn't let Alejandro and Duncan throw her off. I guess I did pretty well and Duncan kinda sucked. Heather got her gourd open first then  me, Alejandro and Duncan. When we all had our gourds open we got sling shots then dad gave us tranquilizer balls.  Heather with six, Alejandro with four , me with five and Duncan with two.

"Why do I get two?" Duncan asked.

"Because you threw your bat at the gourd" dad said. Dad said that we had to hunt one of the interns dressed like a lion and bring him back to dad when we captured him.

"Dad that is humiliating and immature" I said.

"Amanda it's the challenge."
I rolled my eyes and Heather Got a head start from dad to go hunt the intern, Alejandro and Duncan went together teaming up. I started searching for the intern I heard footsteps behind me so I launched one of the tranq balls but I heard Alejandro, Heather and Duncan scream then I was out. We all heard dad yelling at us to wake up, apparently we all got hit by a tranq ball.

" two hours of you guys sleeping? Yeah that's great for ratings" dad said sarcastically. "I want a song now sing I don't care where you were hit or how groggy you might feel"

Chris made us sing even though we were still lethargic from the tranq balls but I sang because I didn't want to get kicked off the show and leave Amanda"
Amanda sings with everyone at the end ignore Sierra 

Once we finished I asked Duncan to help me out with catching the intern, I didn't want to leave Amanda but I knew she'd be fine, Heather was with her. Duncan and I found the intern I know it might have been evil to ditch Duncan and bring the intern back to Chris myself but I wanted to share first class with Amanda.

"Ok Amanda and Alejandro enjoy first class tonight" Chris said.

"Wait I'm forfeiting my spot and I'm letting Noah stay back in first class tonight!" Amanda said.


"Amanda no, please stay with me princess" I begged, but Amanda made up her mind and I had to share first class with Noah .

// confession: "I think it was fair of me to let Noah have first class with Alejandro because he didn't get to do the challenge and there might be another time where I get first class, no big deal"// end of confession. Back on the plane Duncan was pissed that Alejandro invited me to first class instead of him.

"We team up and he wants to take you, I mean I get he has a crush on you and all but still, I'm just glad you gave up your spot for Noah " Duncan said.

"I just felt bad that he couldn't get the chance to participate today and I would want someone to do the same if it were me" I said.

"And that's why everyone on this show loves you"

"Aww thanks Duncan I said smiling.

"Yeah you definitely are one of a kind Mandy" Heather said giving me a side hug. I continued smiling as I got ready for bed, I went to go check my email to see if the record company emailed me back. There was an email I clicked on it and held my breath as I read it. I'm in! Apparently they saw me on the show and want me to come to L.A as soon as the show ends. I ran to dad's room to tell him my news. Dad was really happy for me and said it was a great opportunity. I got ready for bed I was really happy that the show was almost over and I would get to see Clair very soon and would be getting ready to make a music career myself , I really missed Clair a ton this is the longest I've ever gone without seeing her and it's literally killing me, I whispered
"I miss you so much Clair" to the darkness hoping somehow she could hear me. I swear I almost heard her voice saying "I love you Amanda."

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