Chapter 4

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It's Wednesday evening and Michelle was bored from sitting in the house.

"Jennifer can we go see a movie? I'm bored..."

Whatever Michelle did or say must've caused Jennifer not to talk to her anymore. She tried talking to her sister but Jennifer won't respond. Jennifer was sitting quietly reading a book.

"Fine you don't have ton talk to me. I'm going out."

Jennifer just glanced at her and watched as she left.

Michelle decided to go to Dylan's house and surprise him. Soon as she began to knock, the door swung open and guess who it was? It was Angela.

"What the fuck? Angela?!"

"Um hey Michelle."

"I outta slap the shit outta you right now."

Coming down the stairs behind her was Dylan.

"Oh shit." Dylan said.

Tears filled up Michelle's eyes.

"I can't believe you. Both of you! Angela I thought you were my friend! you knew how much I liked him!"

"Well you knew how much I liked him too. Lesson number one, don't trust everybody."

Range filled up in Michelle, she remembered what her mama said , "Violence is not the answer, never."

"Bye hoe" Angela said as she walked passed Michelle. "I'm not the one who sucked his dick."

Michelle took a look at Dylan. She felt used.

"I'm not your girlfriend am I? "

"Nope. I mean we can still fuck if you wan-"

"No I do not, I felt used, I really did like you. I gave you my virginity!"

"You were used. Honestly, you're just a hoe. Me Eric and Caleb made a bet to see who could get to you first. I got $50."

Tears filled in Michelle's eyes and she runs home. She wish she had her sister to comfort her but her sister probably hates her now. When Michelle gets home she runs in her room and gets on Facebook. "Michelle SoSavage Edwards" She sees Angela made a status. The status said...

"Funny how hoes wanna talk about me but at the end of the day she sucked dick, I didn't."

Michelle made a status and said...

"Funny how at the end of the day we BOTH had our legs open, baby girl you ain't no better. -Angela Toopretty Johnson "

Who's the realist? She may be a hoe but she's realer.

Jennifer must've seen the statuses because she came in Michelle's room. She gave Michelle a big hug and while she was still crying.

"Ain't nobody fucking with my Li' sister" Jennifer said.

Michelle laughed, her family were fighters.

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