For you and Only you

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Trying to not be pissed at Jungkook after he supposedly argued with you just because he saw you talking and laughing with another guy. Like what did you do? You were just making some new friends with the new kid by the name of Sehun. What was his problem? You admitted, you wondered why he would be so pissed just because you were talking and joking with another guy.

You liked Jungkook and you admitted that you were too scared to admit your feelings to him as he was a famous Kingka in your school and you were just a typical girl. You had a few guys here and there flirt with you but you never ever got into a serious relationship. Jungkook was the first guy to actually make your heart flutter.

How did the famous kingka meet a normal girl in school? Well you guys were stuck together for a project and things soon escalated as you guys got to know each other better. You developed feelings for his cheeky and cute personality and also his hot side, but mostly his childish personality. You guys pretty much became good friends and you were mostly seen with his group of friends which were kingkas.

As you entered your class, Jungkook ignored you completely and your heart fell. It wasn't easy for your crush to treat you so coldly. You shook your head and you sat beside him awkwardly and kept quiet for the rest of the lesson.

Once the day was over, you wanted to go apologies to him. Once you arrived at his locker, he was laughing with his friends happily. But once he noticed your presence, his face darkened and the happy atmosphere died down. "Jungkook... Can I speak with you?" You asked as you gave a small smile. "Why? Didn't you have that guy to talk to you, go continue flirting with him then?" He growled as he turned around, his back facing you. "What is your problem?! I can't even understand?! Why are you angry just because I went to talk with Sehun?" You shouted in anger.

You were annoyed and pissed. You didn't understand his actions at all and you wanted to know desperately. But Jungkook wasn't helping much and you were starting to get really pissed.

"Since you are going to be such a flirt, going around flirting with guys just because you got to know us and became famous, why don't you continue and leave us alone?" Jungkook hissed and your heart shattered into billions of bits instantly. "I...Is that how low you think of me?" You choked as tears welled up to your eyes. "Is that how you view me, just because I went to talk to one guy, one freaking guy?!" You shouted as your tears streamed down your face.

Jungkook had his back facing you, but his other friends were looking at you emotionless. "You know, I thought that maybe I could have said something nicer to end this day, maybe I could have made new friends, maybe I could have admitted that I fell for you," You said as you wiped your tears away. "But then again, I might have fell for the wrong person," you hissed at the last sentence and glared at the other members of BTS before running away. "Jungkook, what you said was too harsh," Rap monster said as he watched you run away in anger and pain. "Is it obvious now? You don't have to worry anymore if she likes you or not? It's pretty obvious isn't it? She just said so herself," Suga said as he rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you were so mean to say that maknae," Jhope said disappointedly.

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