Chapter 2

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After sitting here in embarrassment for over an hour, class had finally ended. I grabbed my stuff and was the first person to head out the door. I decided to go use the bathroom real quickly before I go to my next class. As I stepped in to the bathroom, I saw a few girls inside already. They were wearing really revealing outfits. The girls were having a conversation but I guess one of them noticed me cause all of their attention went on. They were either smirking at me or giving me dirty looks. I was slightly intimidated by them. I just stayed quiet and washed my hands while they continued staring at me. 

As I opened the door to leave the bathroom, I then heard all of them laughing. 

"Did you see what fuck she was wearing?" I heard one of the girls laugh out loud. 

I closed the door while I just looked down and went to go to my locker. 


As I picked out my last item from my locker, I noticed a group of boys not that far away from me. 

I had to walk past them to get to my class.I can already feel my heart racing. I decided to go ahead and just get it over with. I swung  school bag around my shoulder and walked slowly in their direction. 

As I made it near them, their attention immediately went on me. It was as if they stopped their conversation just to concentrate on me. I played with my fingers and looked down the whole time. When I did decide to look up, I saw the tall brown skin guy who yelled at me in class earlier today. He was staring dead at me. I quickly looked away as I got slightly nervous again and walked faster.

I finally reached the cafeteria and went on in to find a seat. I decided to sit in a table that no one was in since it was my first day here. As I settled down, a group of loud girls entered and the group of boys I saw was right behind them as well. I looked at them and how they went to go sit down all the way in the back of the cafeteria. I noticed the girls hugging the guys and seating on a near by table. I then saw one of the girls from the bathroom sitting on the brown skin guy's lap and peck him on the lips. 

I quickly looked away and decided to not pay mind to them anymore.
I played a few games on my phone until lunch was over. As I got up to throw my tray away, I accidentally bumped into someone. That someone had to be the girl from the bathroom.

 "Is there something wrong with yo' eyes" She asked with a nasty attitude. 

"Sorry" I said lowly not wanting attention on me.

 "Jada you' scaring her" laughed one of the girls nearby her. 

"Nah she just pushed into me" Jada snapped glaring at me. 

She then stepped up towards me and pushed me back so hard to where I fell on my back.

"Jada chill", her friend laughed while pushing her away from me. I looked down in embarrassment the whole time. 

"Watch where the fuck you going next time" Jada spat at me and finally walked away with her friend. 

I looked up to see some people in the cafeteria looking at me. Some had looked as if they felt bad for me, and others were just laughing. I looked down again and a tear slipped from my eye. 

I quickly wiped my tear away and looked up again to see those boys from earlier and the girls including Jada looking in my direction. I saw Jada sitting on the brown skin guy's lap whispering to him while she smirked looking back in my direction. The brown skin guy just looked at me. I noticed that the other boys around him were laughing, which made feel even more embarrassed and hurt. 

I slowly got up and headed out the cafeteria. As I walked out, I felt the tears slip out my eyes and my shoulders droop. 

This year was already off to a bad start.

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