Chapter 8

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"Wait what"I bursted out laughing. Michelle looked so serious as well.

"Nah cause I'm really Deadass"   She said with a straight face.

Johnny and I busted out laughing again. Michelle was telling us how, her mom chased her around the house with a bat, because she was caught late out with a boy.

"Shake my head" Johnny said and Michelle ended up cracking a little smile and I laughed lightly.

"I haven't really seen you around here before, Johnny" Michelle mentions after all the laughter died.

"Uhm Yeah... I stay to myself most of the time. And I transferred here last year." He stated and Michelle nods.

"What school were you in before?"Michelle asks.

"Some charter school in Harlem, around Lexington" he replies. They continue this conversation and then I see Michelle smirking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Your boyfriend has arrived" she glorified.

I gave her a questioning and Johnny looked confused. I turned swiftly to see Michael walking to a table full of girls and guys.

"Oh no no no no" I said quickly.

I couldn't understand why Michelle would think Michael likes me.... or that I like him. In all honesty..he scares me.

"Wait, you like Michael?" Johnny asked with a weird look on his face.

"...No I don't" I said a little annoyed.

"She dead do" Michelle clarifies with an amused look.

Johnny then starts laughing and talks about how he couldn't believe it while I tri d to defend myself.

"Look I promise I don't. Michelle is just lying" I sent a playful glare her way.

"You should see the way they stare at each other in class" Michelle states.

"Okay um, first off, Michael stares at me. Not the other way around" I cleared up.

"Same difference" Johnny says.

"Thank you J. I like you already" Michelle said reaching over to slap him on the arm.

"I hate you guys" I say with a monotone voice and they both laugh.

"Look I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back" I said suddenly feeling the urge to pee.

I got up and started to head to the main halls and headed straight to the ladies restroom. I went ahead and did my business in the toilets. As as soon as I was done I got out the stop and made sure to wash my hands clean before heading out the bathroom.
I took the route to head back into the cafeteria, but I guess I wasn't watching where I was going because I ended up walking into someone again.

"Oh I'm so sor-" I looked up and saw Jada.

"Wassup with you bumping into me?" She glared.

"I-I didn't k-know..I'm so sorry-again!" I apologize so I can hurry up and leave. I can tell that this wasn't going to turn out good.

She stepped up to me real close to my face making swallow real hard.

"Listen here, little girl.I don't know where you can from or whatever but the next time you touch me, I'm fuck you up!" She said to with a cold voice.
I simply nodded because I was scared shitless on the inside.

"Yo, you almost done? Michael asking for you" Someone interrupted. It was a familiar voice.
I looked behind Jada to see that it was that one guy that was always with Michael.
Jada turned around and replied back to him.

"Yeah I'm coming Bryshere. Just had to check somebody real quick." Jada made sure too add cutting her eyes at me.

I was really hoping that their little encounter can help leave here as quick as possible.

Jada finally walked away from me and walked past Bryshere and was gone to the cafeteria.

I stood there silently waiting for the Bryshere guy to leave as well.
But he stood there for a few seconds staring at me.

It wasn't in a loving way, but more like a strange, analyzing stare.
I had my hands in my pockets and was being so fidgety.

He then shook his head and laughed a little to himself and headed straight to the cafeteria.As soon as he left,I let out a short breath.

My nerves got the best of me again. I shook my head in disapproval. I once again leering myself being treated like crap. I was disappointed in myself. I don't understand why I can't just be confident and stand up for myself.
I dragged my two feet and walked slowly to the entrance of the cafeteria with my head down in shame.

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