Chapter 7

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Here I was standing in front of my locker waiting for Michelle. She had called me earlier in the morning to tell me to wait for her and that she will be here in a few. Class was not going to start for another 15 minutes, and of course I had nothing better to do than just stand here and wait. I tapped my feet against the school floors and analyzed my surroundings. Just people wandering the halls, some was in the cafeteria eating breakfast. Luckily for me, there was barely anyone in the section of the hall that I was in. As I stood there patiently, I felt someone hug me from the back, making jump and scream a little. I turned around to catch Michelle laughing out loud.

"Oh my god Michelle, don't try to sneak up behind me. I got real scared there for a minute" I said breathing shakily. She was still laughing.

"You're face was so priceless" she pointed it out. I pouted at her but then laughed along with her.

The bell than rang,indicating that we had 5 minutes to get to class.

"So what's the move for today?"

Michelle asked as her and I both rushed to our designated location. I thought about her question, but realized that I was practically still a loner in this school. So of course I had no type of plans.

"I'm not sure, what do you have in mind?", I asked back.

"Well there is basketball tryouts today, and I will as wondering if you would like to join me for it after school" Michelle said.

"Basketball?" I asked really unsure.

"Yeah,I wanted to do something for my last year of highschool" Michelle said sighing.

"Well in that case, I can come. But only to watch, I don't really play sports"I told her.

"That's fine, make sure to tell your mom, that it's from 3 to 5." Michelle said as she stopped in front of her class.

"Okay copy that" I assured.

We said our little goodbyes and she entered her classroom. I went across the hall and walked fast to my history class.
I finally got to the door and thank god it was on time. I hate to be late.
As I walked to my seat that was located in the middle of the room, I noticed that Michael and his friends were actually in class on time today.

I hesitated to walk to my seat, since it was right in front of them.But I put on my big girl panties and tried to confidently walk to my seat.
I got to my seat and quietly place my seat down. I made sure not to be loud, so there attention wouldn't go on me.
I think it's working, because they're still having a conversation. So I don't think they have noticed me so far.
All I had to do now was just keep it up for the next 50 minutes.
Class went on and Mr. Burkley
was lecturing on us about the civil rights movement and how it impacted the world we live in today.It was actually a good lesson, and I was really into it. But too bad people in the classroom wasn't paying attention. Everybody seemed like they were doing their own thing. I shook my head in annoyance.

"Alyssa,Isn't it" Mr.Burkley asked looking up from his glasses.

"Uhm-Y-yeah,that's me" I said a little awkwardly. I didn't like attention on me.

"Well since you are the only in  class who seems to be actually taking their notes..." Mr Burkley said extra loud. I sat very still in my seat as I noticed others students attention went on me.

"How about you tell the class, your honest opinion on what I discussed" he continued.

I then noticed that it went silent in the class and everyone's eyes were on me. So much for trying keep low for the class period.

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