Chapter 4

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I sighed before stepping inside the school building. All I saw was people all over the hallways crowded up.But I still pushed through and tried to make it to my locker. When I did get there however, I saw Jada and the same brown skin guy from yesterday making out while leaning on my locker. I just stood there like a fool, because I didn't really know what to do in a situation like this.

I cleared my throat, and they still didn't budge. They were basically eating each other faces. And I stood there awkwardly.

"Excuse me" I asked in a small voice. This time they actually stopped and the guy turned his head to me glaring.

"Michael, let me handle it" Jada said running her hand up and down his arm.

So Michael is his name, I thought.

"The fuck you want" Jada spit out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um, I have to get to my locker and, y-you guys are on it" I stuttered out.

Jada rolled her eyes at me while giving a mean look.

Michael leaned down on her neck kissing her collar bone. Which made her giggle as she let her head go back. He gripped her butt and began kissing her again, but much harder this time. And here I was standing like a fool, while being ignored.

They didn't even move from my locker, so I just decided to walk away, slightly embarrassed. I headed to my class, since there was only 3 more minutes left until it officially starts. Once I got there, I realized that I was the only here, besides the teacher.I went straight to an empty desk near the window and sat down quietly copying the 'Do Now' on the board.

The bell rung after a minute or two, and a bunch of students came piling in the room.I stayed in my composure and continued to answer the questions on the board. Then a girl walked in my direction and sat on my right side.

I ignored it though, until I felt a tap on my shoulders.I turned to my right to see the girl staring at me.

"You'new?" She asked.

"Um yeah" I said awkwardly.

"What's your name" she smiled a little, I guess to let me know she wasn't a threat.

"My name's Alyssa" I said still in a quiet voice.

"Hmm it fits you, I'm Michelle" She replies. 

I smiled a little bit ,since I wasn't good at making talk with people I didn't know.

"What made you come to this bum school?" She asked with a irritated look.
I laughed quietly before I replied. "It was the only school nearby from where I live" I said. 

"Oh I see..." she said as if she was if she was in deep thought.

"Girls please stop taking and do your work before I start handing out detention slips" The teacher said sharply while giving us a serious look. 

Michelle sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes and went back to doing her work. I laughed a little and start to finish up in what I was working on. But that smile went away when I heard the classroom door open and close again. It was Michael and one of his friends.

"Michael and Bryshere, hurry up and sit down" The teacher said not even glancing up at them.

They quietly headed to back of the class. As Michael walked pass my desk, he stared dead at me without breaking eye contact. I quickly glanced away nervously. I then heard someone sit behind me. I got all quiet and nervous again because I know it was him behind me. 

I looked to my right and I saw Michelle looking at me questionably. 

I shook my head a little, as if to tell her, I was going to talk to her later. I just decided to ignore my feelings and just read a book since I was done with my work. But it was hard to do concentrate since some people in the back was talking a lot.

"Yo' so what happen yesterday with you and Jada. She was about ready to break up with you" I heard someone ask not that far away from me. Which I'm guessing it was his friend. I thenhear a deep chuckle behind me.

"Nah she was tripping.But I handled her good last night if you know what I mean. Made her shut up real quick!" I heard Michael say back from behind me. I heard both of them laugh from behind me.

I turned to my right to see Michelle scrunching up her face and looking disgusted. I hid my face with my hands and started to giggle at her actions.

But as soon I did, the laughing behind me stopped and it just went silent again. I felt eyes burning through the back of my head.I was afraid to turn back, so I just looked down on my desk, and went back to reading my book. 

"For those of you who are done with your work, please make sure to hand it in by the end of class. You are free to converse with your peers until class ends" The teacher announced to the class. Which as soon as she did, everyone in the class began talking, or playing on their phones.

"So where you from" I heard Michelle ask me. 

I hesitated to answer her because I know those boys were listening to our conversation.

"I-I'm from Virginia, just came here almost a month ago" I answered quietly.

"So you miss it over there?" She asked me curiously.

I sighed lowly before answering.

"Y-yeah I do. I mean that's where I grew up and that's all I've known. All my friends are over there, and I feel like I'm missing out." I said getting a little upset over the fact I had to leave my home. I honestly missed my close friends, and my old neighborhood.

"Girl I feel you. If my parents made move to some place I barely knew about, especially if it's during my senior year. But I promise you gonna like it here eventually." She said to me with a sincere look on her face.I smiled in return.The bell finally rung and I started to pack my things into my school bag. 

"So I guess I'II see you later?" Michelle asked, getting ready to leave the room as well. 

"Yeah sure" I replied taking my paper out so I can hand it in. 

"Okay then" she answered before heading out the classroom door.

As I was back to get up, I see Michael and his friend Bryshere, walk past my desk again and head out the door. I got up as soon as they left and handed in my work and also retreated to the classroom door.

As I pass through the halls I saw Michael,Bryshere, and few other familiar guys leaning against the locker like they ruled the hallways. I was yet intimidated again by their presence. As I passed by them I heard one of them calling to me. 

"Yo Baby "he hollered at me with a thick New York accent. I turned to see who it was, but I didn't know what his name was. I ignored his cat call and kept walking.

"You gon' walk away?" The guy laughed out loud making all the other guys laugh with him as well. 

"Man leave her skimpy ass alone" I heard, another guy said to the previous guy who was hitting on me.They all laughed again. And I can't lie, that comment really hurt my feelings. But I tried to shake it off and just ignored their rude remarks towards me.I was so lost in my thought that I almost knocked into someone.But to my surprise it was only Michelle.

"Hey girl" she hugged me.I hugged her back. We both headed towards the lunch room together talking about random things.

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