Chapter 18

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First period was finally over and I couldn't have been more happy. We had a substitute so most students skipped which made the class more peaceful for me. I looked down at my stomach as I felt it rumble a little bit. The bell wasn't going to ring for another five minutes so I decided to head for the vending machine that was only down the hall so I can get a light morning snack.

As I was making a left turn into that hallway, I heard distant yelling. And from a far I could see that it was two people arguing. They were right by the vending machine too.

"Just wonderful" I muttered in annoyance. I just wanted to something to surpass my hunger.

"You really tripping right now!" I heard a guy a yell. His voice sounded oddly familiar. So I decided to be a little nosy and hid behind one of the doors to see what was going on.

"I'm not the one the who's been tripping! You've been acting different ever since you've been around that new bitch, Jaxon" I hear the girl yell back.

"Jaxon?" I whispered to myself. I was so confused right now. I squinted my eyes at them and as I looked closer through the double doors and it was indeed... Jaxon.

"How can you just forget about us like that huh? After everything we been through" I hear her argue even more.

I froze in place as I realized that he was arguing with some type of ex. I wasn't even paying attention anymore at this point because I was feeling a little upset deep down. I see that they're still talking and I just couldn't watch anymore. It was only two more minutes until second period, so I immediately turned around and decided to just head for class.

I made it to the classroom and I looked up ahead to see Michelle. I walked across the class until I made it to the seat that was right next to her.

"Saved you a seat just like I promised!" Michelle says smiling moving her bag from the chair.

I wasn't really in a happy mood anymore so I just said a quiet thanks and sat down.

"What's wrong with you girl?" Michelle asks with concern in her voice.

I turn my face towards her with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"It's nothing Michelle. I'm just still a little tired" I lied in hopes of her not seeing me upset.

"Are you sure girl?" She places her hand on my shoulder.

"Yes I'm good" I say trying to laugh it off.

"Okay. Just making sure." Michelle laughs too.

Just then the door opened and I see Michael and his friend Hakeem walk in. The sight of Michael made me remember that he texted me last night. Which I still don't know what for nor did I text him back.

"Okay boys, you can't continue to come in late to class. Next time it's a detention" Mrs. Sanchez says with an annoyed expression as she continues typing away on her laptop.

The boys shrugged her off as they started to make their way on to their seats. As they passed by my seat , I notice Michael glance into my direction and I turn my head  to avoid eye contact.  Soon I heard both of them pulling their seats from behind from where where Michelle and I were sitting.

"Why do they have to sit behind us" I silently mumbled.

"What?" Michelle asks turning to me.

I didn't even know she heard me.

"Oh nothing" I tell her so I won't look crazy.

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