Chapter 9

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School was finally over. Thank goodness. I was tired of being interrogated with questions  when I got back to the table.
I was extremely tired and all I really wanted to do was go home.
But I had to stay after school for Michelle for her basketball tryouts to show moral support.I was actually waiting for her in front of her locker. From a distance I seen her walking towards me.
"Sorry girl, I had to change into my practice clothes." Michelle said walking over to me.
I took a look down on her outfit. For some basic gym wear,she still managed to look cute. It was almost like she didn't try.
"You look cute Michelle" I told her ca
"Well you know I try" she replied cockily. She then started to do a little model walk and flipped her hair.
"You are too much" I laughed.
"Yeah I was told" she giggled.
I shook my head while still laughing lightly.
We both then headed towards the gym.
We seen a line of boys hanging by the entrance.
It didn't seem to phase Michelle, but for me it was the opposite.
"Oh look who's over there" Michelle pointed out.
I looked over and saw Jada and a few other girls near the water fountain.
"Wait why are they here" I asked a little confused.
It seems like no matter where I was in the school I kept encountering with those rude people.
"So yeah, the boys basketball team has practice on the other side of the gym, and Michael happens to be on the team and you know his girlfriend is there too, I guess to support him." She said fake smiling.
"If I'd known they'd be here, I would of left to go home." I said annoyed.
"I know that's why I didn't tell you" Michelle said as we made our way pass the people in front of the entrance of the gym.They were giving us looks but l pretended to not notice.
There was a bunch of people in the gym. You had the boys basketball team on one half of the gym practicing...I guess. Some girls warming up, for tryouts. And then there were people like me. Sitting on the bleachers and just watching and looking around.
Truth was, I was extremely bored. I have only been here for 20 minutes but all Michelle and the others members were doing was just exercising.
I could be at home right now watching Netflix."Might as well get comfortable" I whispered to myself as I looked at the time on my phone. I wouldn't leave here for another hour.
So I sat back on the bleachers and decided to watch YouTube for the remaining time.

As I'm watching this funny video from one of my favorite youtubers, I became very thirsty. I decided that I needed a drink. I got up and climbed down the bleachers carefully and made my way to the nearest water fountain on the gym.
As I got done sipping the water, I stood straight back up and turned around to go back to the bleachers. I end up walking into someone once again.
"What's up with me and knocking into people today

"I'm so sorry..." I said with soft voice. I was being very shy.

"Nah you good shawty" I heard a deep voice say.
I look up to see the guy I ran into flashing his smile at me.
He has really nice teeth, I thought.
I politely smiled back, not really knowing what to say.

"Aye but what's your name though. I've never seen you around here before" he asked analyzing me a little bit.
I was taken back a little. Just a little.
I was surprised he wanted to know me.
"It's Alyssa" I introduced myself, while rubbing my shoulders.
"That's wassup. Alyssa" He said repeating my name slowly. I smiled a little.

"Well mines Jaxon" he held out his hand. I shook it with my little tiny hand.

"YO, what you doing bro" I heard someone call out from behind Jaxon.
The guy came closer and I realized it was Michael.
I don't know why but my heart jumped a little bit hearing his voice.
"My bad bro, I was just talking to Alyssa" Jaxon said staring at me.
I make swift eye contact with Michael but look away instantly.
"Stop flirting with bitches. And get back to practice!" Michael said harshly. It made me flinch on how upset he was. I was also hurt that he referred to me as "bitches".
"Chill Michael" Jaxon said.
I was just standing there awkwardly.
"Sorry about thatI'll see you later"Jaxon says and goes back to where all the boys were.
I was expecting Micheal to follow behind but he stood there for a second longer.
He glared at me, like if I did something wrong.
I was honestly very intimidated.
I was relieved when he finally ran back to his friend and left me to be alone.
At this point I was just honestly ready to go home.
Everything and everyone was just becoming overwhelming.

As I made my way back to the bleachers, I prayed that time can fast so I can leave this place.

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