Chapter 17

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It was only 7:43 am and I couldn't stop staring at the text that I received last night. I was shocked to see that it was from that guy Michael. I didn't really know what to text back.

"How did he even get my number?" I asked myself out loud.

I was debating if I should text him back or not. But every time I think of Michael or when I'm around him , I just get super nervous and I don't know how to act. And I barely know him. I don't know how or why he makes me feel that way.

But then I received a text notification and it showed that Jaxon just sent me a text.

Good morning 💙- Jaxon

I couldn't but just smile. I then recalled my day from yesterday and remembered how I spent the whole day with him. I'm still feeling a little happy about that.

Morning 💙- Alyssa

After replying back, I went ahead and continued to finish eating my breakfast. I was going to take the public bus to school today. My mother just got back from working a shift at the ER about and hour ago , so I know she's very exhausted. My dad got back very late too, so I won't bother to wake him up. I went on the public transit app to see when the next bus was coming. It wasn't for another 10 minutes so I had a little time. I got up and washed my plate and put it back with the other dishes. I got another text notification on my phone. It was from Michelle.

Good morning girl 💛💛-Michelle

Morning Mish 💕-Alyssa

I exited out of the message app and went on the transit app to see that the bus was coming towards my street in just five minutes. I quickly got my school bag and grabbed my keys off the fridge. I slipped on my blue Ugg's and head straight out the door.

It was really chilly outside and the only thing that was distracting me from the cold was the music that was playing through my earbuds. I finally reached the bus stop and I looked up ahead to see the bus coming.

"I really hope I don't get lost" I murmured to myself. New York is just so different from Virginia. And it's not like I've been to a lot of places here so far.

I went ahead and took out the metro card that I purchased yesterday as the bus came into full view. There were other people also waiting to get on the bus. As soon as the bus came , I stepped on the bus just like all the other people and just followed what they did. The bus wasn't crowded so I went ahead and sat next to a window.
I then put on my earbuds and went on my phone to play some music,

After being on the bus for about 10 minutes, I recognized a couple people from school getting on too. School was only a couple more bus stops away, so I was preparing to get up. I then got an income call, and I reached for my phone to see that it was Michelle. I immediately went ahead and answered the FaceTime call.

"Hey Michelle!" I said looking at her through my phone screen.

"Girl where are you!?" She asked me . And I can see in the background that she was already in the school building.

I gave her and funny look. "Funny story actually, I'm riding the bus today" I replied laughing lightly.

"Okay I see you .Getting use to the city and all." She fake gasses me up. I gave her a blank face and we both busted out laughing.

"But how you like taking the bus?" Michelle asks trying to be goofy. I stare at her with a straight face again.

"Yeah how about a no." I reply with a straight face. She busts out laughing.

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