Chapter 14

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He looked down staring at me as he stood over me on the desk. My heart was racing a little fast for me.

"So Alyssa...that's your name right ?" he asked still staring me down.

It was the first time I heard him say my name. And the way he was staring at me just made me a whole lot more nervous. It didn't help this little situation one bit. I looked away from his stare immediately and looked down at his hands on that were in top of my desk.

"Y-yeah that's my name." I stumbled with my words. I wasn't even sure if he heard me or not since I was also talking so low.

I heard a deep chuckle coming from him and looked up to see him pulling up a desk in front of mines.

I decided to take this moment to look at the packet. I opened it and tried to look through the assignment that was given to us. But it was so hard for me to focus when I can feel Michael's hard stare.

'Why can't he just look the other way?' I thought.

I was way to scared to speak up about anything involving our assignment. But I decided to too anyways just so I can get it over with.

"So what topic would you like to do" I squeaked.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I was embarrassed on how stupid I probably look right now.
I looked up at Michael for an answer and he seemed to be amused.

'Just kill me now', I thought again.

"Look I don't care. Anything you want to do princess." Michael replied meeting my eyes. I quickly teared my eyes away from his as I felt my heartbeat go fast.

" I-I guess we can figure it out whenever we start to work on the actual assignment." I stuttered out.

"Aight. You busy' after school?" He asked me. I was about to say no and then I remembered that I was hanging with Jaxon today.

" Y-yeah I am" I said shyly. It still felt weird talking to him.

"Doing what" he asked bluntly which took me by surprise just a little bit.

" I'm going out with a friend of mines" I replied feeling a little intimidated.

I see him nod his head slowly while looking at me like he was in deep thought. It was almost as if he was studying me. I can feel the nerves just ripple through my body. I don't know why I always seem feel this way around him. I just can't help it. It went quiet again and we stayed in a awkward and uncomfortable silence.I didn't really know what say.

"You got a phone?" I hear a deep voice ask bringing me out of my thoughts.

I blinked and looked up to meet his face.

"U-um yeah I do." I said while also pulling my cellphone out of my bag.

"Let me see it right quick" he tells me.

I hand over my unlocked phone to him hesitantly while analyzing him. He then get his phone out and seems to be typing something into it. After all that was done he hands me my phone back. And just in time the schools bell starts to ring indicating that the class period is over. I start to immediately pack up my things and put everything back to place. And as soon as I was done I looked back up to see that Michael was already gone. I was a little in shock on how he had just left . I didn't even hear him get up. But I guess you can say that a little part of me was relieved that he was gone. I slowly got up and started to make my way out of the classroom.

I stepped into the hallways and of course there was a loud chaos. Everyone either stopping to talk to their friends or rushing to get to their next class. Nothing like the sound of high school. I on the other hand was still having trouble finding my class.

"Alyssa!" I hear some shout out in the crowd. I turned around to see Michelle pushing through people to get to me.

"Hey Michelle." , I said giving her a slight hug. It felt like I haven't seen her in ages.

" I thought you had a doctors appointment. " I said looking at her confusingly as we walked to side by side.

"I did but then I told my mom to drop me off here. I didn't want to miss basketball practice over a silly appointment" she told me and I nodded so she'd know I was listening.

"Well I'm happy you're here, it's been a really interesting day." I said turning to her as we made it the doors of our Arts classroom.
Michelle looked over at me with curious eyes.

"Spill the tea" she says excitedly.
I immediately start to laugh just a little bit. She never fails to make me laugh.

"I'll tell you when class starts ." I laughed lightly as we both walked inside class.

We quickly made ourselves to the back of the classroom and found our seats. I put my bag down and took out my essential items for the class. As as I sat down the school bell rang for the last time, letting students know that they should be in class.

"Welcome back to class students" Mr. Garfield greeted as people were still walking to their seats.

"Today , I decided that we do something a little different. I like to call it a freestyle. Where you draw anything that comes to mind." Mr. Garfield announced as he paced around the class. I made sure that I payed full attention to him.

"Now I don't want you guys to think too much on how this would reflect on your grade. Don't focus on how good it should look but focus more on the quality and the effort." He continued as he paced around.

"You guys can talk for the rest of the class, just make sure your voices aren't too loud and that you get your assignment done." Mr. Garfield finishes as he walks back to his desk.

I open my art book and immediately start to draw whatever came to my head.
I felt a little nudge coming from Michelle.

"Yes" I laughed turning to her.

"So ummm, are you going to tell me what was so interesting" she asked me wiggling her eyebrows. Once you tell this girl something she won't forget. But that's what I like about Michelle.

"So all of this might sound weird to you" I started to say letting her know.

"Girl just tell me and stop stalling" she nudged me laughing.

"Okay okay" I laughed and went ahead and told her everything that had happened today.

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