Chapter 6

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It was finally last period. I was honestly over the school for the day and just ready for the bell to ring. But there was still 50 minutes of school left. I was in the bathroom, and then I heard the final bell ring and realized I was going to be late. 

"Shit" I whispered as I tried to scurry out the bathroom since my last class was all the way in the other side of the school.

I walked through the hallways trying to get to my last class fast. I kept speed walking and eventually I made it. I put my hand on the door knob and tried to twist it open but it was locked. So I knocked  on the door twice before patiently waiting.Someone finally open door and I stepped in. All eyes were on me, leaving me to look down shyly away. I hurried up and sat down quietly and continued on with the lesson.
I was currently on my locker waiting for Michelle. She already texted me that she was coming. While waiting I leaned against my locker and just listened to my music.
I didn't realize I was so into it, because Michelle was suddenly in front of me yanking my earphones off.

"Damn girl, that song must really be good, because I said your name like ten times already!" She said shaking her head.

"My bad" I laughed. At that we walked out the building heading towards the Deli store. We went ahead and bought snacks and left the store after that.We headed to a nearby park and went ahead sat on a bench. 

"So I see that you really love Doritos" I pointed out to Michelle munching on her bag of chips.
"Of course" she said with her mouth full. I chuckled a little bit.

"We should get to know each other, let's play 21 questions" I suggested.

"Okay, but you go first" Michelle said still munching on her chips. 

"Um well......What's your favorite color" I asked her. 

"Mines is blue, how bout' yours?" Michelle asked in return. 

"I'm not sure, it's between black and green" I replied and then tried to think of another question to ask her.

We went on like that for a little while and we then decided to leave the park.

"So what made you move here" Michelle asked as we walked alongside in the sidewalks.

"Well my dad lost his job, so he found one here and we just grabbed all of our things and left!" I said pretty much summing up my whole situation. 

"Damn, I hope you okay. I promise I'm going to try to make you welcomed here." Michelle said turning to me. 

"Aw thanks" I said giving her a side hug. 

"It's only been a day, and I already feel like we're best friends"Michelle pointed out.

" True! I was thinking the same exact thing" I said nodding my head. 

"So I guess this is my stop right here, I can wait with you until your dad arrives if you'd like" Michelle said while we stood in front of her apartment building which wasn't that far from the school. 

"Um yeah sure, I'd like that" I smiled. It was a good thing she was waiting with me because I was still new to the area and I don't want to encounter trouble with the wrong people.

So we waited there for about 10 minutes just talking about life and school. A car then finally arrived, and I realized it was my mom instead of my dad. She slowed down right in front of us. I looked at Michelle and she nodded and we said our 'goodbyes'. 

"I'll text you" She called out as I made my way into the car.

"Okay" I yelled out from the passenger seat.

My mom rolled down the windows and waved to Michelle, who waved back and then slowly made our way out the neighborhood. 

"So I see you got a new friend" My mom said with a grin while keeping her eyes on the road.

"Yeah, I did" I smiled lightly while staring out the window.

HIM (Michael B. Jordan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora