Chapter 19

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It was already sixth period and I was just sitting down in class doodling in my notebook as people started to walk in the room. From the corner of my eye I saw Michael walk inside the classroom and I felt those familiar feelings I always get when he was around. But I tried my best to ignore it.

"Okay guys gets with your group members and start on your assignments", Ms. Shannon says to our class.

As I started to take out my work sheets, I see Michael from the corner of my eye placing a desk in front mines. I look up just to meet his eyes staring back at me. I said nothing while we sat in silence for a couple minutes.

"I texted your phone number last night" Michael then says out of the blue. I look up at him not knowing what to really say.

"Yeah sorry I forgot to text you back" I say quickly out of nervousness. Michael then chuckles and grabs his phone from the desk. I guess he was texting someone back. Meanwhile I was trying to get the basics of the assignment done.

"You not doing anything this afternoon right? " Michael asks out of nowhere. I look up from what I was doing and nod my head 'no' at him.

"Words mama" Michael smirked at me waiting for me respond.

"Uhm sorry , but no I'm not busy today" I say quietly still feeling a little nervous.

"Aight, we can work on this after school. My place or yours?" He asks me putting his phone back down on the desk.

Feeling a little stunned on how straight forward he was, I hesitated to answer.

"I guess we can go to my place " I say remembering that my parents will both be at work today anyways.

"Aight that's cool" Michael says and then it gets real silent again. I continued to try my best and ignore him and just finish some of my portion of the assignment. I just wanted class to end already honestly.

After about another 20 minutes, the bell rang and every one started to get up from their seats.

"Alright class, remember to work on your projects, it's due by the second of next month. So you guys have plenty of time to get it all done" Ms. Johnson says dismissing us to our next classes.

I started to pack my stuff up and I see Michael also stand up while on his phone.

"Meet me at the parking lot after last period" he tells me.

"Uhm okay" I reply to him and he then made his way out of  the class room. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding and start to head out to my next class.

While walking to my next class, I pulled my phone out to see if I got any messages from Jaxon, but I still saw nothing. I can't even lie and say that it didn't make my heart ache. Maybe I was just overthinking everything.

I finally arrived to my Art class on time luckily and made my way over to where Michelle was sitting.

"Hey girl" I say plopping down on to the chair.

"I'm ready to go!" Michelle says turning to me with an annoyed expression.

"Me too" I sighed , my thoughts going back to Jaxon.

"What's up with you though, you look mad depressed" Michelle asks me with concern.

I thought about asking Michelle but I didn't want to jump into conclusions. Especially since technically Jaxon wasn't my boyfriend. We were just talking and getting to know each other. So I decided to just skate it off.

"I'm good, I'm just so drained. I'm ready to go home too sis" I reply with a pout of my face. Michelle and I both laugh. 

I went ahead and check my phone again to still see nothing from Jaxon. I decided to text him to see if he would maybe respond.

Alyssa- Hey 💙 we still down for hanging out later?.

I tapped on the sent button and decided to just wait it out. For the reminder of the period , Michelle and I was chatting it up and doing our assignments. 

"Alright student the bell is about to ring in about a minute. Good job today, starting next week we will be officially starting our assignments for the month. So be be ready to learn and bring your A game." Mr. Garfield announced and as soon as he was finished the bell rang.

Everyone including Michelle and I got up and started to pack our stuff.

"Finally. I'm ready to go" Michelle expresses as her and I make our way out the classroom.

"What you about to do today?" I ask her as we walked towards our lockers.

"Shit sleep" Michelle laughs and I laugh with her too.

"Don't think I told you. But I'm going over to Michaels today.." I say not really finishing so I can see Michelle's reaction.

"HUH" Michelle shouts and people in the hallways starts to look at us.

"Omg, Michelle not like that" I say busting out laughing.

"You had me there for a moment" she puts her heart on her chest laughing. This girl is too much.

"Stop exaggerating" I laughed as I put some books that I didn't need into my locker.

"Okay Ima' stop. But what's y'all doing anyways" Michelle asked me.

"Well we're working on that project I told you and Johnathan about. And... I think he's waiting for me outside" I say turning my head to look at the front entrance of the school.

"Okay girl, don't wanna hold you up then. I see you got all the guys on your team. First Jaxon, now Michael. Get it sis" Michelle says and makes a motion. I looked at her and tried not to laugh and shook my head.

"Michelle stop, you're embarrassing me" I say as we through the doors and made it outside of the school. We started heading towards the parking lot since that's where I had to meet Michael.

"Okay okay, well there goes your man. I'll see you later" Michelle says and she runs away from me. I turn around confused just to bump into someone's chest. And what do you know... it was Michael himself.

"You ready to go" Michael asks looking down at me while our bodies was too close to each other.

"Um yeah" I cleared my throat and backed up. I'm already starting to feel awkward and shy.

"Aight" He says and turns around and starts to head towards somewhere in the parking lot. I'm guessing his car.

We made it to to this black Chevy car and I seen Michael take out his car keys and press the unlock button.

"You can get it in. I gotta talk to my boy real quick" He tells me and I just give him a nod and quietly walked to the car door. I made my way inside and sat down. Looking outside the car window , I seen Michael chatting it up with Hakeem. They both was starting to look over to where I was and I immediately looked at away.

"I just want this day to be over with already" I say to myself looking anywhere but at them. I then feel my phone vibrate through my pocket. I pulled it out and I looked to see that it was a notification from Jaxon.

Jaxon - Sorry I'm busy today.

I stared at the text not knowing what to really reply back. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even see Michael come back in the car. I immediately shook off the negative thoughts. Maybe he is just busy.

"Aight you ready ma?" Michael asks me while putting the keys into the ignition.

"Yeah" I shyly respond and gave him the address to put into the gps to get my house.

As Michael started to back up his car, I started to look out the window. And from here I can see someone familiar coming out of the school building. I squint my eyes and I notice that it was Jaxon. And he was with some girl. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but it was the same girl from this morning.

And I couldn't help it but let that tear fall as I looked down on my lap.

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