Chapter 10

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"I really hope I made the team" Michelle said while we walked towards the gym. We were about to go see the list of the girls who made the basketball team. 

"I know you're on the team, you were better than half the girls who tried out!" I said to Michelle to encourage her. But she honestly did so good last Friday during tryouts. I hope she makes the team too. We got to the gym doors and Michelle hurriedly ran over to the basketball list. 

"What does it say" I asked and jumped trying to see. 

Michelle readily read across the paper. She had unreadable expression so it was hard to tell.
But as she kept reading over I saw her beaming. 

"YES!" Michelle beamed.  

"You made it?!" I asked excitedly. 

"Yes girl" Michelle jumped in excitement. 

"You see I told you" I smiled and laughed.  I was so proud of Michelle, in the one month of knowing her. I knew she really wanted to get on the team this year. 

"It's dumb lit" she said and then started to twerk in the middle of hallways. 

"Okay okay we get it" I laughed watching her. 

While Michelle and I were still getting over the fact she get on the team, I saw someone in the corner of my eye heading over.  

I turned my body to get a full view on who it was. And to my surprise it was Jaxon.

"Wassup shorty" Jaxon grinned coming over to me.

"Um hey" I awkwardly stood and smiled. 

"So I see you and ya' friend over here dancing and shit" Jaxon laughed. 

"Yeah, Michelle is happy that she in the girls team for basketball" I turned back at Michelle and giggled. I quickly turned back to face Jaxon.

"Oh that's wassup'. So I'll see you in the court this season?" Jaxon asked Michelle looking behind me. 

"Yeah you already know!" Michelle gassed leaving Jaxon to chuckle.

"Girl I'm gonna go back to the lunchroom, just come back when you done talking to your friend here." Michelle wiggled her eyebrows and started walking away from us.

"Okay" I laughed shaking my head. Michelle played too much.

Jaxon and I were finally alone in the hallways. No one else but us. I'm not gonna lie it had me feeling a little nervous inside. 

"Sooo..." I dragged out with my hands in my pocket. 

"Soooo" Jaxon playfully mocked. I let out a light laugh and we both just started to laugh out loud altogether. 

"You busy after school day?" Jaxon asked standing up straight. 

I raised up an eyebrow in confusion but answered him anyways. 

"No I'm not actually" I said softly. 

"I mean I'm free today and I was just wondering if you was trying to chill with me?" he asked with his hands behind his neck. 

I looked at him weirdly. I hope this wasn't the line he told girls to get in their pants. I guess he noticed the expression I had on my face.  

" Yo that's not what I meant uh" he talked very fast... almost like he was nervous.
Why would he be nervous in front of me. It was actually sort of.... cute.

"Um..look.. I meant chill with me in the park or something. But you don't have to if you don't want to" he said very fast again.

I looked at him and smirked a little. 

"Okay I'll see" I said softly.  He bit his lip and rubbed his neck looking down. "What's your number" he looked up and asked. 

I was a little hesitant but I gave it to him hoping that I wouldn't regret it later. He put it in his phone and texted me. I pulled out my phone feeling it vibrate in my pocket. 

"So I'ma hit you up later shorty" Jaxon smiled with his straight white teeth. I blushed and tried not to look him in the eye.

"Um yeah I guess" I said very softly. 

"Aigh' bet" he gave me a little side hug and we said our goodbyes. 

When he finally left, I still stood there like an idiot daydreaming about what just happened.
I shook out of it and took out my phone to text Michelle.

Alyssa- See u last period cuz I'm going to class and there's too much people in the cafeteria!

Michelle-  Aigh and U better pmo to what happened with you and Jaxon!!!

Alyssa- Lol 😂 got u

I put my phone back into my pocket and headed to my class. My class was all the way in other side of the building but luckily I had about 25 minutes until everybody came back to class. I put my earphones in and listened to music as I walked to class. When I finally made it to my Math class, I seen that the teacher was in there.I said my hello's to the teacher and walked to my seat which was near the window. 

I plopped down on my seat and put my book back on my desk. I rested my head down and closed my eyes listening to my music. 

I was actually about to fall asleep but I caught myself in time.

I quickly sat up right  and took in the classroom. But something so distracting caught my eye. 

" Why is he here right now?" I asked myself in my head. And yes you guessed right. It was Michael. He was across the room also seated down like me. 

"When did he even walk in here?"I thought. I guess I didn't realize that I was looking at him so hard because when I came back to life , Michael was leaned back on his chair gazing back at me.
I immediately looked away, feeling my whole body tense up. 

I quickly acted like my phone was the most interesting thing in the world.I decided to look at him again for some reason. I peeked up again and this time he was full on dead staring at me. The way he was looking at me had me feeling so nervous.We made eye contact and it stayed like that for a couple seconds and then the bell rang.  It cut off our little moment there.

Soon there was people walking into the class and sitting down. I took out my notebook and a led pencil. 

I tried to pay attention to what was given to us on the board. But there was only one thing in my mind right now and it was definitely not about school. It was not  ven Jaxon on my mind or my thoughts........

But yet it was Michael.

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