Chapter 26

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"Mom," Aiden said through the phone. "Something happened." He had her on speaker phone.

"Something like what dear?" She asked. Their mother has the sweetest voice ever. It's extremely calming and soothing, I see where they get their calmness from. They told her what happened over the last couple of days, and they told her what had just happened upstairs.

"I am very disappointed boys," She said sounding upset. "You could have killed her." At that I felt I needed to speak up. I grabbed the phone from the twins.

"Hi," I said nervously. "I just want you to know that none of this is the twins fault, I forced them to feed from me. I didn't want them to hurt anyone so I didn't let them leave the house until they gave in."

"My question is how were they able to stop?" She asked sounding confused. "I'm not going to lie to you Sensual, you'resupposed to be dead. To them your blood is the most powerful thing in the world." She stated. "I don't know why you are having these symptoms but when you come for Christmas, we're going to find out."

"I'm really sorry." I said sadly. "Please don't be mad at the twins, be mad at me." I heard her sigh.

"I'm not mad at any of you." She said. "I just want you to be careful, and stay out of trouble missy. Seems to me, you have a small wild side." She laughed. I smiled at her laugh, it makes me all giddy inside.

"Yes Ma'am." I said. I gave the phone back to the boys and they discussed everything for a few minutes. I heard stumbling from the stairs. Amber came walking drunkenly down. Her face is covered in dry blood and it is bruised and swollen. Her hair was everywhere. When she got to the bottom of the stairs she froze.

"What?" I asked rudely. She just stood there staring for a second. A second later she shot out of the house like a bolt of lightning. I couldn't help but laugh. I know I don't have to worry about her anymore. The twins were off of the phone.

"I think we need to have a talk with Emma." They stated. "She's upstairs freaking out and Jordan doesn't know what to tell her." Crap. I grabbed the twins hands and ran upstairs.

"Sen, what the hell is going on?" She asked looking afraid to be near me.

"You need to sit down Emma." I said, I have a feeling she's going to react the same way I did. She hesitantly went and sat down on Jordan's bed.

"I guess I'll be the one telling you since Casa Nova here couldn't do it." I said glaring at Jordan. He shrugged in defeat.

"Emma," I said. "Aiden, Jordan, and Jeremiah are vampires." She looked at the three of us then she doubled over laughing. Yea, I think that would have been my first reaction also if the twins had told me instead of showing me.

"Its true." Jordan said, over her laughter.

"Yea, sure." She said wiping tears from her eyes. "If your vampires then I'm the president." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Show her guys." I said. "Its the only way she's going to believe us." They nodded and started to shift, I had seen the twins but Ihadn't seen Jordan as a vampire. His sea green eyes turned black and his fangs extended out of his mouth. Emma gasp and when I looked over at her, she was falling over on the bed.

Sensual Meets Sinister (Rated R) Adult PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now