Chapter 60

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While my parents and Aunt Lina talked with their brother, the twins and I went and got our children and our dog. We want to enjoy them while their young and their powers aren't as strong and I need to get Evi and my relationship back on track. I know we'll never have any problems out of Ace, he is like this baby every mother wishes for. I love Aeron to death but I can tell she's going to be hell on wheels when she gets older.

Evi? She's going to be herself no matter what, that means she'll spend most of her time barking at her tail and trying to dig holes in the carpet. Leo does an amazing job with her but he informed us that she is an independent thinker and she doesn't like rules. She still does whatever she wants but she knows not to go overboard.

"Mommy's back!" Emma cooes to Ace. She is completely attached to him. Jordan is attached to Aeron, he went shopping for her and bought her all kinds of cut little outfits and toys. He had a shirt made that said, "I Love My Uncle Jordan". I can tell that he really wants a baby now. I can tell by the way he looks at my babies.

He's always so gently with them, and he treats them as if they are his own. Sometimes when he holds one of them, he has the biggest smile on his face, then he'll look up at Emma and you can see sadness clear in his eyes. He wants Emma to give him a family, he's always wanted that. Emma looks a little more willing now then she did a few months ago.

I smile as I take my son out of her arms. "They're really good kids." Emma said as she looked at Ace. She's giving him the same look Jordan gives the babies. I looked at her with a raised brow.

"Could I talk to you later?" I asked her quietly. She looked at me with a bit of confusion but nodded her head. Aiden took Aeron from Jordan who was sprawled out on the bed with her lying on his chest, both asleep. We headed back to our room with our little bundles and Evi.

We've got cribs and everything set up here also, everything our babies might need, we have. "Jordan and Emma seem to be progressing." Jeremiah said as he closed the door. Aiden and I lay the babies down and turned to look at him.

"They're really great together," I admitted. "Is it always this perfect for vampires?" The twins sighed.

"Not always," They said. "Sometimes they do what the werewolves did to their mates." Leo's mom got lucky, we actually found her. She was all the way in New York. It took some time but we managed to track her down. Her name is Sarafina Thompson; I found her number and called her up.


We've been sitting here on the phone for four hours now looking for Leo's mom. There are three hundred and ninety-five women named Sarafina Thompson on the Eastern Coast. We've called two hundred and fifty of them and none of them were married to a man named Ricardo Thompson. I was getting a bit frustrated; I knew it would be hard but damn.

I punched in a New York number, I knew it would be another flop but I tried anyway. The twins were chatting with one of the Sarafina's listed on the long list of names and numbers. "Hello?" I woman said answering the phone.

"Hi, is this Sarafina Thompson?" I asked.

"Yes, may I ask who I'm speaking with?" She asked.

"My name is Sensual Mason," I replied. "I'm trying to track down a Sarafina Thompson who was married to Ricardo Thompson." The woman gasped into the phone.

Sensual Meets Sinister (Rated R) Adult PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now