Chapter 28

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After waking up from the most glorious sex, not to mention it was in my parents house, I felt a pang of guilt. I never imagined myself being like those young girls and guys you see who have sex under their parents noses. Yet I've picked up the part, I've gone against my moral's for pleasure.

"Babe," Jeremiah said snuggling closer to me. "Stop thinking. You're parents don't care." I looked into his eyes. How could he possibly think they don't care that I'm having sex in their house? They're parents for god sake.

"They're just happy you're not with some loser who treats you like shit." He said. "Honestly they actually like us. Especially your mom. She's waiting for you to come to her and tell her you're getting married. She thinks about our wedding all the time." I smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

"That still doesn't make it OK to have sex in their house." I said. He chuckled. I looked over at Aiden who was snuggled into my right side, still asleep. Again, those slightly parted lips made my heart flutter. "He looks like a baby." I whispered to Jeremiah.

"You should see our actual baby pictures." He said. "Do you have any of you?" He asked. I have hundreds of baby pictures, cute and embarrassing. I'm surprised mom didn't whip them out first day. They're my soon to be husbands, I can live with them seeing my naked baby butt.

I signaled for Jeremiah to get out of bed, we slowly and quietly made our way down stairs. We didn't want to wake Aiden or my parents. It was still pretty early, I don't know why Jeremiah and I are up. My mom kept all of my pictures in photo albums in the living room. I grabbed about six books and made my way to the couch. She had them arranged according to age.

I put the first book between us and opened it. There was the very first picture I ever took, the day after I was born. "Awww." Jeremiah cooed. "You're adorable!" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I was wrinkly and blind." I commented. All babies look old when they're first-born, my opinion at least. It's like being Benjamin Button, you come out frail and wrinkly, grow up to be strong, then go back to being frail and wrinkly.Jeremiah laughed at my thoughts.

"Our babies are going to be gorgeous." He said distantly. I looked over at him and he had a very warming smile on his face. He looked like he was seeing the future. He grabbed my hand and squeezed tightly.

We got to four-year old me and Jeremiah laughed hysterically. I had run around outside in my underwear and my mom snapped a picture of me when I burst in the door. I'm standing there wide-eyed, and flat chested in nothing but my Baby Bop panties.

"What the hell do you call this?" He laughed. I punched him in the arm.

"I was having fun." I growled. Ugh! Boys are so dumb! They see a picture of you before you had a body and they laugh like there is no tomorrow! I'm going to remember to ask their mom about their pictures.

"Wow Sen." I heard over my shoulder. Great, Aiden's awake and he is now laughing with his brother at my pictures. Aiden came and sat next to me. "I'm joking babe, we have far worse pictures." He admitted.

"I can't wait to get a look at those." I said. We continued to go through the albums and I was relieved when we got to my high school years. Everything before high school was just plain embarrassing. The worst one is probably the one my mom took of me when I got my period, I was slouched over in the floor crying. She got a full face shot, she really sucks at capturing the moment. Then to top it off, she wrote 'Sensual Got Her Period' on the back. Thanks mom.

Sensual Meets Sinister (Rated R) Adult PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now