Chapter 59

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We just made it to Kenya, an eighteen hour flight that seemed even longer because Peaches wouldn't stop crying. He was terrified. When I met him, I thought he was a frequent flyer. I didn't find out until we boarded the family plane that this is the first time he had ever been on a plane. He was more dramatic than I was.

Michelle finally gave him something to keep him quiet. I'm not sure what it was but it knocked his pretty little ass out. He still hasn't woken up yet and we're half way to the house. We had to get four cars to bring everyone transport everyone.

Aiden, Jeremiah and the kids are in a car with me. Michelle, Ajani and their little ones are sharing a car with Peaches; my parents rode with Mrs. Kale, aunt Lina and Uncle Louis. Jordan, Emma, Leo, London, and Ramone shared a car. Ramone has changed a lot since the last time I saw him. He ditched his dopey glasses for contacts, he got rid of everything Star Wars related, and he actually has a sense of style. I hate to admit it, but now he's pretty cool.

The entire family actually changed. London isn't a slutty bitch anymore, aunt Lina stopped being a party whore, and Uncle Louis is finally a man. He stopped taking shit from aunt Lina after we had our little fall out at Thanksgiving. He's not the house wife any more.

"We're here," Aiden said smiling back at me. "The rest of the family has already arrived. Our grandparents were able to make it here from Spain and Australia." When he said grandparents, I had a flashback of what happened before I met Michelle and Ajani. I was a nervous wreck! I can't be like that this time.

Jeremiah looked back at me as if he's waiting for me to freak out. I smiled at him and rolled my eyes. "So you're not going to hyperventilate this time?" He laughed.

"No," I laughed and smacked his arm. "I'm actually pretty excited." I admitted.

"Really?" Aiden asked with disbelief. He looked at me through the rear view mirror. I nodded my head.

"Of course," I said. "They're my family too." They smiled back at me and hopped out of the car. We grabbed the babies and headed in the house. Nobody else has arrived yet, it will be easier to meet their grandparents without freaking out.

We were greeted by a blond haired couple that looks exactly like Ajani. "There are my grandbabies!" The woman exclaimed. She literally ran to the front door. The twins had their arms out for a hug but she completely bypassed them and went straight to Aeron and Ace.

"They're so beautiful!" She said as she scooped them both up from their car seats. "Hello babies," She cooed at them. "I'm Great grand Bebe." Her husband laughed and walked over to us.

"Bebe, are you forgetting something?" He asked putting his hand on the twin's shoulders. He laughed again and winked at me. She turned around and looked at them.

"My grandbabies!" She exclaimed once again. The twins and I laughed at her excitement. She put the babies back down and pulled the twins into a hug. She then turned to me with an enormous smile plastered on her face.

"Grandma this is Sensual." The twins said proudly.

"I'm Bebe and this is my husband Samuel." She said. They both hugged me gently and wouldn't stop complimenting me on how beautiful I am and how me and the twins make a gorgeous set of babies.

"Is Grammy and Pappy here yet?" The twins asked their grandparents. They nodded.

"Yes, they're in the dining hall having breakfast," Why don't we join them?" Bebe suggested. We all made our way to the dining hall. Bebe is quite the character, she's nothing like Ajani. He's more serious while his mom is completely laid back and cool. Samuel is serious also but still not as much as Ajani.

Sensual Meets Sinister (Rated R) Adult PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now