Chapter 38

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  • Dedicated to Bonnie Williams

"What just happened?" Ajani asked curiosity filling his voice. My head was spinning with thoughts I just heard. When I got caught listening, the connection was broken. Everything went back to normal except for the fact that my children may well be destruction in the flesh.

"She heard us." The twins said. I was frozen with horror.

"How?!" Their mother exclaimed. She looked at me with wide eyes. I cut her off before anyone could speak.

"My babies are going to destroy the world?" My voice was tiny and broken. I felt as if my world was crashing down on top of me. Everyone stopped and looked at me. "What is going on?" I started crying and my eyes turned their now, usual blue color. Ajaniand Michelle jumped a little then composed themselves.

"Baby calm down." The twins begged. "We don't know the full story." I shook my head furiously making it spin more than it already was.

I am freaking out and I am about to lose all self-control. My children can't be bad, I saw them! There wasnt an evil bone in their bodies! They were two sweet, innocent children. They couldn't hurt anyone let alone destroy an entire planet! None of this is making any sense. I realized my breathing had picked up again and I was having another fit. This time there was no calming effect from Michelle. I got light-headed and I felt myself falling into Jeremiah.

"Go get that damn villager!" I heard the twins scream before everything went black.


I woke up with a raging headache. I opened my eyes and snapped them shut again, it was way to damn bright in here. "Can someone do something about these lights?" I groaned. I heard about eight gasps from around me.

"She's awake!" I heard Michelle say. A moment later the room got dim.

"How long was I out?" I asked as I opened my eyes. I saw two new faces inches from mine. A dark-skinned woman and man wearing some tribal outfit and face paint stood there staring at me. Is it Halloween or something? The twins were by my side, closer to me than anyone else. Nobody had answered my question yet.

"How long was I out?" I repeated getting a little frustrated. The twins grabbed my hands.

"Baby, please don't freak out." The twins said. "We need you to stay as calm as possible."

"Damn it guys!" I growled. "Just fucking tell me!" I don't know why I was so mad. I didn't even know I was mad until I started talking. "Sorry." I mumbled when everyone stared at me with same looks of shock.

"Baby, you've been out for a week." Jeremiah said slowly. I popped up out of the bed, everyone around me backed up.

"A week?!" I yelled. Everyone around me nodded. I fell back in the bed and held my face in my hands. Something is seriously irritating my arm. I looked down to see that I am hooked up to an IV. "Whats this for?" I asked, I hate needles and there's one hanging out of me. I looked around and realized I wasnt even in the bed I woke up in the first time. I'm in what looks like a hospital.

Sensual Meets Sinister (Rated R) Adult PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now