Chapter 47

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We've got four hours until we touch back down in Atlanta. Everyone is so nervous and anxious that you can feel the tension in the air. There are five and a half vampires on this flight and every one of them is anticipating our landing. Michelle and I had to start planning the wedding, we had no choice. Even though we've got so much going on, we still have a wedding to arrange.

What else is there to do in an eighteen hour flight? Either you sleep, complain, or find something productive to do. Jordan is sleeping, Zelo and Abi are complaining, Ajani is finalizing his new job in the US, and the rest of us are planning probably the biggest wedding of the century. We're doing it bigger than Kate and Will, and I'm not being sarcastic.

There is already almost sixty million dollars in the wedding and we're not done yet! The wedding colors are lavender and white, I just love the color purple. Michelle called the flourist and ordered an extreme variation of flowers. We ordered hundreds of Iris's, sweet pea, lavender, aster, delphinium, and cornflower for the purple flowers. We ordered roses, tulips, daisy's, lilly's, and calla lilly for the white flowers.

We wrote out the guest list, which consists of almost one thousand people. I didnt think the twins knews so many people. We have people coming from every area of the world. Basically, everyone who was at the little party Matteus organized will be there and then some.

We're going to have the wedding and the reception on the beach so no one has to travel more than necissary. We've decided upon an animal filled wedding. Ajani has a friend who trains exotic animals so we're going to have a lot of animals; lions, tigers, the whole kabang.

"We'll fly back to Kenya in April to get everything finalized." Michelle said to everyone. "I dont know what we're going to do about a dress." She sighed. I dont know how big I will be or if I will even be pregnant on our wedding day. They babies are growing rapidly, like too fucking fast!

"It doesnt matter what she wears," Aiden said smiling at me like a little boy in love. "She'll be beautiful." Jeremiah nodded in agreement and kissed my neck.

"Oh, it does matter what I wear," I laughed. "I may be as big as a house but I have to look good on my wedding day. What's my budget on a dress?" I asked the twins. They looked at their mom and the three of them started to laugh.

"What is a budget when it comes to love?" The three of them asked dramatically. God I swear they look like triplets. I mean they all look the same. THey have te same hair, eyes, face, if you didnt know her, you would think she was a few years out of high school.

"They look too much alike, dont they?" Emma whispered.

"Waaaayyy too much." I whispered back.

"We heard that." They all said smiling at Em and me.

"You should try and take a nap before we get there." Jeremiah suggested. "You and mom have been at it for hours." I nodded my head in agreement and pushed away the wedding plans. I know once we get there we will still have so much to do. Then we have to deal with the whole Jesse problem. I've been trying to stay positive since I found out about Emily-Rayne. I lay back in the bed, yes I said bed. We are on the families personal plane.

Sensual Meets Sinister (Rated R) Adult PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now