Chapter 43

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"You look amazing." I heard the twins say from behind me. I turned to see them standing in our bedroom door wearing matching, white tuxedo's. They didn't wear a tie and they left a couple of top buttons open so I can see their smooth chests. They each had a purple rose in their front pocket.

Their tux's went perfectly with my dress. It is a mixture of dark and light purple with a little white mixed in. It's a one shoulder dress and the bust area is lined with gems. It hangs down past my feet. I am wearing an expensive pair of diamond earings and a matching necklace. I went with a pair of white sandals. I'm not in the mood for heals.

"Thank you." I said shyly. "You guys look great also." They flashed me a smile and came to grab my hands. "How many people are here?" I asked nervously. I'm good around people but I'm not what you would call the most social person in the world. Before Emma, Jordan was my only friend for years. I just don't want to be surrounded by hundreds of hungry vampires.

"There are a couple hundred." Aiden said. "But you don't have anything to worry about. Everyone ate already." He laughed. A couple hundred people? You may as well throw me in a tank full of sharks! Jeremiah must have noticed the expression on my face because he pulled me into his arms.

"What are you so afraid of?" He asked quietly. I shrugged my shoulders.

"If it makes you feel any better, you're the most respected person at this party." They said. "In reality, Matteus is under you. You could take his job if you wanted to."

"How is that?" I asked pulling away.

"Youre Freya," They laughed. "Anyone who doesn't respect you is a fool."

"Lizzie learned the hard way." Aiden laughed.

"Was your mom able to fix her arm?" I asked. Please say no, please say no, please say no! I begged silently. I want her perfect little body to be severely flawed. I hope it got stuck in some funny ass position. They smirked at me and rolled their eyes.

"She fixed it, but it looks nothing like it did before." They said glancing at each other quickly.

"What does it look like?" I asked getting excited. I fucked that bitch up, I already know I did. It actually felt good to hurt her. I would do it again in a second.

"You'll see." The twins said trying to hold back their laughter. I groaned and put Evi in her pin. I kissed the top of her head and we headed towards the ballroom. I found out this house is like a puzzle. It has so many doors and rooms and you'll get lost if you aren't careful. I wouldn't remember the way if my life depended on it. We went down a set of stairs. The long hallway was lit with bright candles. I ran my hands across the cold, stone wall and shivered. It is like a dungeon down here.

"Are we underground?" I asked the twins.

"Yup." They said. "This house has been in our family for centuries. This used to be the hallway to the dungeon but all the walls were torn out years ago. Our great-great grandparents completely redone into a ballroom."

"Are any of your other family here?" I asked getting excited. For some reason I love meeting their family. Theyre all so sweet and kind and they make me feel like family the moment I meet them.

"Actually quite a few of our family members are attending." We reached a sent of enormous wooden doors. For some reason I know that when these doors open I'm going to lose my breath because of how amazingly beautiful it is going to be.

"Are you ready?" They asked me with two matching smiles. I returned the smile and nodded my head anxiously.

"Lets go." I said. The twins pushed the door open and just like I said, I lost every bit of the oxygen from my lungs. The room is done in red and gold. The hardwood floors had been stained with red and the walls were gold with a very eccentric design painted on them. There were about six big golden chandelier's hanging from the ceiling. There was a stage at the far end of the room where there is an orchestra playing classical music. The room is big enough to fit ten of my parents house in it and still have room for Jordans.

There is a large staircase leading down to the group of what looked like over six-hundred, chatting people! "This is what you call a couple hundred?" I whispered to the twins. They chuckled and linked their arms in mine as we stepped in the room. The moment my feet hit the floor, the talking in the room seized immediately. The music stopped playing and the next thing I knew all eyes were on me and the twins. The twins started to walk on but I didn't move.

"It's ok babe." They whispered gently. "Everything will be fine." I nodded my head and let my feet move me to the top of the stairs. The twins stopped. A moment later every person in the room was on their knees bowing to me like I'm a God.

"Goddess." The twins chuckled.

"Why aren't they getting up?" I asked after a long while of watching over six-hundred adults and children bowing below me. Hell I even saw Jordan and Emma bowing. I wasnt expecting that by far.

"Because you havent told them they can stand." Aiden said. I gave him a shocked look.

"I don't want this much control over people!" I almost yelled. I turned to the people who were still bowing graciously in front of me. "You guys can get up now!" I said loud enough for everyone to hear. I heard a few chuckles from the crowd as they all rose.

"Ah, Sensual, you look stunning!" Matteus said as he made his way across the crowded room. He was wearing a very nice black suite that really showed off his muscles. Why are all vampires so fucking hot?

"You clean up nicely yourself." I said brushing off his jacket. He laughed lightly giving that bright white smile.

"Have you seen our parents?" The twins asked curiously.

"Yes, yes," He said. "Theyre trying to persuade Lizzie to come down." He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "You really got her." He tried to hold back a laugh. I looked at him with a raised brow and grossed my arms over my plump belly.

"How can you laugh about what I did to your daughter?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and groaned.

"She's just like her mother." He said with disgust. "She thinks she's the most perfect thing in the world, like she is the only person in the world. She's selfish, cruel, inconsiderate and honestly she disappoints me more and more each day. I warned her about you before we got her. It was her ego that got her a mutilated arm." I shrugged and headed for the food.

"Sounds good to me." I said. I came to a row of tables piled high with food. Most of it I couldn't even recognise. Some of the dishes looked like something you would pull from under a teenage boy's bed. Luckily someone thought to set out some dishes that were very familiar to me. I headed straight to the macaroni and cheese and shoveled some on a plate. I next grabbed a half slab of barbeque ribs. I could smell the spices coming from it and my stomach rumbled loudly.

By the time I finished making my plate I had three of them. Aiden and Jeremiah helped me find a seat. They put my plates on the table and I started to eat like I've never eaten before. Matteus sat there watching me with wide eyes. I ignored him and continued to eat.

"That looks good," Jeremiah said. He reached for a piece of my ribs and before I knew what I was doing I had him by the wrist and I I had twisted it around restraining him. "Whoa." He breathed looking at me with shock. "Calm down Zena the Warrior Princess." He chuckled. I smirked at him and let his arm go.

"Sorry babe." I mumbled. That was embarrassing. I was about to snap my fiance's wrist over a bite of ribs. He kissed my lips with so much love.

"Dont worry about it babe," He said smiling genuine. "Youre hungry and I touched your food. I was supposed to lose this hand." He said sticking it in the air. I giggled and finished eating my food. When I finished, Michelle, Ajani, and Lizzie were coming down the stairs. The room fell silent and everyone in the room began to whisper. I took a look at Lizzie's arm and instantly knew what all the fuss was about.

Michelle managed to get her arm untwisted but she couldn't get the bones to set right so when she healed, it was shorter and lumpy and you could see the lines from where I twisted her arm. Her usual young sexy body now looked weird and unattractive. Her arm looked older than she did, about twenty years older.

I couldn't hold the laugh that erupted from my lips. Everyone turned and looked at me, I clasped my hand over my mouth still laughing. Lizzie looked at me like she wanted to attack me with everything in her. She walked over to the table and flopped down. She tried to hide her arm from my view but gave up when she was unsuccessful.

"Lizzie, isnt there some you have to say to Sensual?" Matt said giving her that fatherly eye. She cursed under her breath and glared at me out of the corner of her eye. "Well?!" He yelled raising his voice with frustration. She groaned and turned to me.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled rolling her eyes. I looked around to see everyone watching us. The room was still silent. I smirked and folded my arms.

"For?" I asked teasing. She mumbled something under her breath.

"I'm sorry for disrespecting you and your mates." She said still mumbling. I smirked and looked over at the twins to see them doing the same. They nodded at me giving me the ok to say what I said next.

"Say it louder so everyone can hear you." I said grinning at her. She rolled her eyes again


"I'm sorry I disrespected you and your mates!" She said loud enough for everyone to hear this time. I heard people choking on their laughter around me. I nodded my head approvingly.

"If it happens again," I said with a threatening tone. I felt a new sensation in my mouth as I allowed my eyes to go red. My canines were tingling. I ran my teeth over them and smiled evilly. They had grown about an inch and I now had fangs. I'm gaining more and more control over these new powers. I ignored the gasps and whispers that filled the room. "I'll twist more than just your arm." She flinched at the sound of my voice. "Do you understand, Lizzie?" I growled. She nodded her head furiously.

I let my eyes go back to normal and smiled brightly. "Good." I said. I stood up to go get more food when Matt grabbed my arm. I turned to look at his smiling face.

"There are a few people I would like for you to meet." He said. "If that's ok with you of course."

"Sure." I said with a smile. It may be nice to have a conversation with other people. By the way their all acting, they wouldn't dare deny me their time. I intertwined my finger with the twins and followed Matt to a table across the room. There was a man sitting there talking to a group of women. When we walked up he instantly turned his attention away from them.

He stood up and straightened his tight-fitting suit, his brown eyes looked so warm and welcoming. He was obviously a vampire. The only human here is Emma and I, at least for the moment. He looked from me to the twins and smiled brightly. "It is very nice to finally meet you." He said with a heavy French accent. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. The twins growled lowly while glaring at the man. He ignored them. "My name is Francisco Baudelaire, I am the clan leader in France."

"Franky B. it is." I said. He looked at me with wide eyes for a moment before he erupted into a laughing fit. Matt and the twins chuckled from behind me. When he finally calmed down I introduced myself. "I'm Sensual." I said flashing a smile. We stayed and talked with Frankie for a few minutes before moving on to the next group of people. I met what I think was every clan leader for each country. I came up with nicknames for each and every one of them. There's Ernesto Lopez (Ernie), of Cuba, Jae Yong Guk (Jae), of Korea, Taeko Chin (Tae), of Japan, and what seemed like hundreds more.

After we finished talking, a man signaled for Matt by the stage. He excused himself and rushed over. They talked for a moment and Matt went and stood in front of the microphone. He cleared his throat and all attention turned to him. He smiled out at the crowd of people. "I would like to thank you all for coming out to celebrate this wonderful event." He said graciously. "I would also like to thank all the country leaders for being in attendance."

"As you all my know," He said. "The goddess Freya has been found and she is to bear the children of the new age in a few short months." He paused and looked at the people seriously. "I expect each and every one of you to share any news of the prophecy that you may hold." The people in the crowd nodded.

"Please give a warm welcome to Sensual Mason and her mates, Aiden and Jeremiah Sinister!" He said gesturing for us to come to the stage. I glared at him but got up and grabbed the twins hands. We walked slowly up the stairs of the stage. Matt moved the microphone in front of me. I gaped at him.

"Say something." He whispered.

"Like what?!" I whisper yelled to him trying not to let the huge audience in front of me hear.

"Anything." He said shrugging. He turned and walked away from the stage quickly before I could object. I looked out at the crowd and smiled.

"A little help here?" I asked the twins with a pleading voice.

"Nope, This is all you." They said with laughter in their voice. I growled at them and stepped up to the microphone. The people in the audience bowed again and stayed with their bodies lowered.

"You can stop doing that," I said into the microphone. The people looked up at me with curious eyes. "I don't want people to treat me differently just because of who I am. I don't want people bowing at my feet every second of the day. When you see me, I just want you to wave or shake my hand. Hell I'm even open for hugs." The entire room chuckled lightly.

"I want to be treated like every body else. When you speak to me, be yourself." I said. "I want to know you as people, not as clan members. I expect you to look at me like a person and not a goddess." I looked out into the crowd to see hundreds of relaxed faces. It's like they were expecting me to be some scary she-bitch. "If you have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to ask." Every head in the room nodded simultaneously.

I stepped away from the microphone and I felt surprisingly calm. The twins wrapped an arm around my waist and led me back to my seat. "You did great." They whispered sounding proud. I laughed sarcastically.

"I almost shit bricks up there." The twins chuckled with laughter.

"We think you did a wonderful job." They said as the took turns kissing my lips. When I broke away we were surrounded by a group of people. According to their faces, they all had a question that was itching to get out.

Sensual Meets Sinister (Rated R) Adult PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now