Chapter 35

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"I don't think I can do this." I said. Aiden, Jeremiah, Jordan, Emma and I were standing in the airport terminal. The last week flew by so fast it was like blinking. It feels like the last thing I remember is my birthday. The twins got the tattoo's and Jordan and Emma treated us to dinner later that night. We even took Uncle Davis along with us. After dinner we went to a club he owns. Can you guess the name of the club? Club Inked. He was seriously the life of the party. He's like the biggest rock star you'll ever meet!

The club is pretty awesome! There's actually a tattoo parlor set up in the back. You get in free if you have a tattoo. Me, Jordan, and Emma got in free because we're family. I couldn't drink but that didn't stop everyone else from getting a little tipsy. Emma didn't pass out that time thankfully. She's really a cheap drunk.

When we were about to part ways with Davis the twins had said. "Remember not to tell mom about the tattoo's or the babies." He had replied.

"I'm not telling shit! She's already going to kick my ass for giving you a tattoo."


"Baby you can do this." The twins said trying to encourage me. I have a lot on my plate right now. I'm pregnant, my dog is somewhere in a dark cage on the plane, and I'm about to take an eighteen hour flight to the other side of the world. I shook my head no.

"Yes you can Sensual." Emma said grabbing my hand. "I promise, everything will be ok." She smiled and it was a little contagious but I fought it back.

"I'm scared." I whined.

"So is everyone on this flight." The twins said. "See that guy over there." They pointed at this guy in his mid thirties. "This is his first flight also, he's so nervous he's had diarrhea since he booked it a week ago." Poor guy, it suck having it for one day but an entire week? I'm surprised he's still standing.

"You've been fine up until now." Jordan added.

"I'm still scared." I said. "Just cause somebody else is more afraid than I am doesn't mean it takes my fears away."

"We'll protect you." The twins said softly. I know they wouldn't let anything happen to me but still. It's a plane! I'm going to behigher than any human should have to be. The damn birds don't even fly that high. This is absolutely the worse day of my life. The more I think about it the more nervous I get. My stomach is turning.

"I'm going to throw up." I said as I covered my mouth and ran towards the bathroom. Emma came with me, I guess to return the hair holding favor. I made it to a stall and threw up my breakfast. I should not have eaten so much this morning. Its like I just couldn't get enough.

"Are you OK?" Emma asked when I finished. I nodded my head. "Sen you have to calm down," She said. "If you don't relax, you'll be running to the bathroom every five minutes."

"How are you so calm?" I asked after I rinsed my mouth. "You act like you're used to flying."

Sensual Meets Sinister (Rated R) Adult PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now