Chapter 29

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Yay! Its Thanksgiving! And you know what? I'm hungry and irritated. Little did I know, after we got home the other day my aunt and uncle decided to come stay for Thanksgiving. Guess what they brought with them? My eye destroying cousins are what they brought with them, only now their older and more annoying than they used to be. Ramone is a seventeen year old nobody. He is a nerd and all he talks about is robotics, science, and Star Wars. Then there is eighteen year old London.

London is now another Amber, as soon as she saw the twins she got all peppy and talkative. What is with these bitches? I don't care if she is my cousin, she's fucking around in the wrong territory. I knew I had to stay calm, I couldn't risk showing my little secret to the family. Instead of kicking the shit out of her I decided to try to be nice.


"Who are these two sexy things?" She asked pulling at Jeremiah's shirt. I smacked her hand away.

"He's mine." I said, I could hear the anger in my voice. She rolled her eyes at me.

OK," She said. "This one is mine then." She stuck her hand out to touch Aiden and I smacked it away also.

"He's mine too." I smiled. I could see that she was getting mad. Fuck her, the bitch helped me go blind, maybe this is payback. I have two things that she'll never have. I smiled to myself.

"They can't both be yours!" She almost yelled. "I want that one!" She said pointing at Aiden. I walked up to her. She's such a spoiled brat. Remember Little Miss Golden Egg from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory? That's her, now I'm just waiting for her dad to pop up with an offer to buy Aiden off of me. Where's an Umpa Lumpa when you need one? The twins laughed at me silently.

"They're mine London." I said blankly. "They wont even take a second look at you."

"I'm beautiful!" She gasped taking in my comment. Yea she's beautiful. She's mixed, her dad is white. She has really long brown hair that she is constantly playing with. She's tall and curvy, I'm almost jealous of her body but I see how much fun the twins have with mine.

"You may be beautiful, but you'll never be me." I said with a laugh. "Go ahead," I dared. "Try something." I stepped out-of-the-way so she was directly in front of the twins. Her face turned red and she stomped her foot and pointed at me.

"One of those boys will be mine before I leave this stupid town!" She said before she stomped childishly into the house.

"She's next." I growled at the twins. I could feel my blood boiling in my veins. When my eyes started to turn the twins came up with Code Red so I know to calm down.

(End Flashback)

Me and the twins have basically been locked in our room or Emma and Jordan's since those ditzes got here. Every time you turn around London, Ramone, or their parents are in our faces. "If they had told me they invited them, we would have stayed at our house or went to your parents." I groaned.

"Hey!" Emma protested. "If that had happen I would have never met my Jordy Pooh." She said smiling at him.

Sensual Meets Sinister (Rated R) Adult PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now