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Justin pov

I won't allow that prick to hurt her she's fragile. Damn him doesn't he know how to treat a woman?

'Shut up dumbass you fuck a diffrent girl each night. Remember Chantel, Barbara, Debby, Sabri-'
'Who are you?'
'Your Conscious'
'Then shut the fuck up!'

My brain hurt just having a mental battle in my head.
"The guest rooms are upstairs." I stated as I walked to the kitchen and took out a Smart water from the fridge.

I took out a Tylenol and drowned it with the cold liquid.
"Mr.Bieber the Protection Government confirmed and agreed to your contract."
I nodded.
"Is the security i asked here yet?" I asked seeing my phone agenda for a meeting for tonight.

"Yes sir, They are all in positions two sniper man up the roof" Marcus says and i nod satisfied with what I just heard.
"Good i'll be home at 1am I expect to see security at the gate and two men in my front door." I mention and with that i walk to the leaving room to see Kora by herself in the sofa I guess waiting for me.
"Please Come back home after the meeting" She says giving me a hug.

"I will. I promise"
What is wrong with me?
Now I have a Curfew?

"Thanks Mr.B Im thankful of this but as soon as I get your Paycheck ill get Kora out of this place so we don't invade your privacy." Blake comes.
"Its fine the House needed company anyways Blake." I say grabbing my suit case from my Housekeeper Maria. Shes been with me since a kid.

"Ay mina/mija estas muy Hermosa Justin tenia razon Vales la pena." (Awe girly your Gorgeous Justin was Right you are worth it)

"Enserio.?" Kora says and I just try my best to catch up what They're saying I'm not very well in spanish I just know a little bit.

"Maria, I heard my name so don't speak of me Got it." I said.

"Ay no seas gacho! Ya vete si no te voy a pegar con la chancla!" (Ay don't be like that! Leave already if not ill hit you with my chancla!)

I flinch at the word 'Chancla' Oh I know what that means.
I groan.
"Maria!" I say and she gives me one of her warm hugs.
"See you later Mijo" (Son)

With that I turn to see Kora with her arms across her chest smiling.
I chuckle and hug Maria back.
"See you soon Maria" With that i let her go and walk to my Now parked infront of me Lamborghini Aventador.

I drove in complete silence.
I stopped at a red light.
Soon my phone buzzed.
'@KoraGuttierez started following you' Instagram notification. I smiled Following her back.

I shaked my head. This something else.

Thirty minutes later I arrive to my Company's parking.
I parked my Lamborghini in my reserved area. I walked through the glass doors.
"Mr. Bieber tonight we are talking about us wanting your Corporation to Invest in MartinezCo. We are determined to'" My phone blares its ringtone. I hold my finger up gesturing for them to wait a minute seeing Maria has called me.

"Maria Im in a very Important Meeting right now."
"Ay.  Sorry mijo I was just saying that Kora is asleep bu-" "Maria ofcourse she would" I look at my rolex watch."Its 11:56 at night" I say.
" she's in your bedroom."

"Come again?" I say confused.
"Shes in your room Justin she was having a nightmare and the poor dear was shaking I offered her a tea but she refused to make me prepare one she begged me to call you and tell you to come back but I told her you were a very busy man....I guess I kinda offered her to sleep in your room she laid down and sleeped peaceful- 'Justin'" I hear a voice in the Background.

"See she misses you. " I hear Maria giggle as Kora wispers my name in her sleep.
"Ill be there in less than a Hour Maria keep her company." I say hanging my phone up walking back in.

"Resume please..."
"Okay so... MartinezCo. We plan on-" I soon lose interest and just began to think on Kora. Soon I look at my phone seeing a text from Maria.

A picture of Kora still in my white Armani shirt and cuddling with my pillow as Dan Cuddled her feet.

I smiled. "Meeting dismissed. Ill invest but if I see numbers falling in more than 10% Im out" I say to them the same way I do to all Company people trying to get my Corporation to invest in theirs.

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