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Justin's POV:

"Boss...." One of Jason's men called my brother out my office. It's been two more weeks and I was beginning to loose hope.

"Justin looks like Kora... She's um.." Jason hands me a pack of pictures and a note.

Shame. She couldn't be saved. She attacked one of my men andanaged to leave but was cought on the act and my dog ropes off her beautiful face. Long live the most gorgeous girl.


What? She's dead?
I threw the card and the pictures were so horrifying I couldn't bare it.

You couldn't even tell if it was Kora anymore. My beautiful girl was gone.

"Justin. The office needs you." Hailey said walking in with my phone in her hands.
I nod and wipe away a stray tear. I go to my room and look at myself in the mirror.

Kora would have want me to be happy right?
I walk out taking my suit jacket and I grab my phone off of Haileys grasp and frown at the lockscreen.
It was Kora picture from the Calvin Campaign.

I unlocked it using my finger and cringed seeing my wallpaper has been changed by Hailey to a picture of us hugging in the booth while she told me everything was going to be ok.

I didn't put much mind to it so I shrugged and headed outside to my Lamborghini and headed to my company.

I was listening to shawns song on my way to the company I parked and got out getting surrounded by papz as I walked inside my office. All of m employees welcoming me back and such. I nod and keep my head high. I will love again. Hopefully.

****6hours later*****

I sigh. Rubbing my forehead once again from exhaustion. I glance to my Rolex and see it was 10:08pm. I knew not going to work to go find Kora was gonna put me off track of work but it was worth it.

I log off and head home lucky for me the gates of the company prevent paparazzi from taking pictures or asking annoying questions once again from Kora.

Media started to say she quit her job and now lives a normal life in another country but little did they know...

I got through my gates in my new house in Calabasas CA Hailey thought it would be best to move houses.

I agreed.

"Hey how was work justin?" She replied eating am apple while Jason sat on a chair looking at something in his tablet.
"Same as it always was Hails." I say going to the fridge and taking a cold Fiji water bottle, unscrewing the cap and drinking it all in one gulp.

"Bro your nephew says hi. I have to go home now. My wife is waiting for me she says mom called her to ask about you and me but I'll call her and say your fine." Jason gets up hugging Hailey and taking his tablet and some papers heading to his Maserati.

I sit down and look at Hailey.
" She loved you so much. I have to go. I'm sorry Justin." She says kneeling down infront of me.

I frown. "Sorry for wh-" I get cut off by hurts lips on mine. She pulls away before I have a chance to react at all. She walks away throwing the apple away and heading out the kitchen to the door.

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