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Why did I let her leave?

I shrugged not knowing the answer myself.
"Where is she now?" Blake asked and I shrugged once again. It's like she's been taken away from me once again and I didn't do anything about it. I'm a idiot!

*Ring ring* my office phone rang causing me to pick it up.

"Mr. Bieber, Hailey is here and on her way to your office sir." My secretary says.
I nod.
"Okay thank you." I place my phone down and sigh running my hand through my hair.
A knock making me stand and walk to my door while Blake stayed put in his spot near my desk.

I open the door and Hailey instantly hugs me.
"I can't stand it! All the people have been tweeting hate, and commenting terrible things in our picture in Instagram! What is wrong with them?" She cries as she hugs me.
I place my arm around her kissing her head. I walk her to my office and place her on my lap.
"It's OK babe, I'm here." I say and she pecks my lips.

"Ma'am. He's busy at the mom-"

My eyes grow wide, Kora runs in my office jumping on Blake and to my surprise Blake carries her and they both cry.
"Oh my baby girl?! Bella!(beautiful) Mi Hermosa princesa?! (My beautiful princess)

He cries and they don't let go. Kora soon slides down and Blake still holds her, afraid to let go.

Her eyes soon land on me, but not just me. Hailey as well.
I tap Hailey making her stand and I walk slowly to her, afraid that she might run away once again.


"Mr. Bieber." She says bluntly making me hurt.
"I'm sorry for the interruption, I came for Blake." Kora said.

*Panting, panting, panting*
Soon a man runs in here.

"Kora! You made me run up the stairs?!" A man I noticed to be Bryan.
"Sorry Bryan. Um... Mr. Bieber. I'd like my stuff back."
"Sure. I'll send someone to deliver them to your apartment." I say as Hailey places her hand around my elbow.

"That won't be necessary." Bryan states.
"They can deliver their stuff to my apartment and I'll have some of them ready and packaged by tomorrow so kora can get settled to leave." Bryan said as he typed something on his phone.

"You can send the rest of her stuff at my place after." Blake stated obviously his possession rose for his Best Friend.
Bryan just nodded.

Hailey gasped.

"Leave where?" She asked.
I myself asked the same question.
Where is she planning on going?

"Blake, I'm going back to Dallas for a few days" She said and I noticed her eyes began to tear up.
"I- I want to see him again" she placed her hands on her eyes and cried against his chest.

"Are you sure Kora?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Him? As in who?!" I ask.


No. She would never do that. Right? That bastard kidnapped her for fucks sake.

"No." Kora said as she clear her teared stained eyes.
"I want to see my lost baby." She said as Blake hugged her and guided her towards my couch.

"Kora. You lost a baby?" Hailey asked and kora slowly nodded.
Hailey soon gave Kora a hug.

It surprised me how Kora doesn't hate Hailey for dating me, I mean that's what I love about her. She knows it wasn't her fault, I thought she was dead. I got lost without her that Hailey was there to help me up.

She leaves in two days. Will I see her again?


I could sence Justin is deep in thought.
I looked at Bryan and he nodded, helping me up as Blake followed me out to the elevator.

"Mrs. Gutierrez, it's nice to see you again." Some co-workers said and I nodded.

Some looked at me in pity knowing Justin was upstairs with Hailey in his office. I didn't mind, even tough my heart broke and my skin ached for some contact with Justin. I had to ignore my feelings, and go home.

We all arrived to Bryan's SUV and Blake placed me in the passenger seat. He gave me his own address.

"Tell him to take you here. Suite A9" Blake said and I nodded.
I placed the address in the SUV's GPS and faced Bryan.

Bryan nodded and started the car.

We arrived at the building and I thanked him.
"I'll leave your bag here before you leave, and then send the rest here for Blake to settle you here OK?" He asked and I nodded.

I hugged him and walked inside edge building.

"Mrs. Gutierrez?"
I turned to see a secretary call me.
I nodded.
"Here's the key. Mr. Anderson called he's in suite A9." She said handing me a golden card.
I took it and walked in the elevator, and headed to the highest floor.

The elevator dinged and I walked out. Placing the key in, I heard the lock beep and the light turn green allowing me to walk inside.

I gasped kneeling down.
"Baby!" I squealed as I carried my now grown cat.
"How have you been?" I gasped and she purred endlessly on my hands. She twirled on the floor and her white fur looks softer than ever.

"Meow. Meow." I then gasp seeing small kittens run to play with Chloe's  tail.

She had babies?!
Since when?

How come I didn't knowledge it before?
I look how all the kittens had collars. Courtesy of Blake of course.


I saddened seeing Justin's name on one of them.
I sighed.

"Justin. I missed you so much." I cried looking down, my knees still on the floor.
"Meow?" I opened my eyes to see a white with grey tiny fureball purr against my thigh.

Kitty Justin.

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