Fallen Snow

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Chapter 1

I lay on my bed and stare at my ceiling, trying to calm myself so I can sleep. It's midnight and I have to get up and go to school in just five hours. I roll over, taking a deep breath to try to calm my panic attack. I have them every night before school. No one understands why I have them all the time, but I do. I'm scared of almost everything. I'm scared of school, I'm scared of people.. and I'm scared of being alone.

I'm scared all the time because I'm always alone. I let a few tears shed as I drift off into sleep.

When I wake up, it's five minutes until my alarm is to go off. It's freezing in my room but I don't care. The cold has never really bothered me. I turn my alarm clock off before its annoying sound goes off. I stand up and walk over to my dresser, grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a t shirt. I put them on and grab my brush. Before I can start brushing out the curly, tangled mess that is my hair, the phone rings. I smile. Must be a snow day! I run to my window and see that the road is covered in white. I hear my mom call from down stairs, "November, no school today!" I start brushing my hair.  "Okay!" I shout back at her. I plug in my hair straightener and wait for it to heat up. After brushing my hair I grab my makeup bag and start applying powders and everything, hoping to add color to my pale face that's covered in freckles. I then work on my messy hair.

One hour later I have somewhat straight brown hair that goes down passed my waist. I run down stairs to find something to eat. I grab a granola bar and eat it on my way to the hall closet. I grab my black coat and blue converse and put them on. I grab a random book off my shelf and walk to the living room. "Mom, can I go outside and read for a while? I can't sleep." She nods and I go out the back door. I'm jogging down the sidewalk to go to my favorite tree when I slip on ice and fall on my back. "Perfect." I say, annoyed at myself for not seeing it. I hear a laugh from behind me. Startled, I quickly turn around.

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