Chapter 6

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He keeps ahold of my hand and we walk inside my house. My mom is about to leave for work when we walk in. I sit on the couch and Jack sits beside me. My mom goes on about what I need to clean. I nod my head every now and then like I'm listening. After she goes I turn to Jack.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask.

"Let's not do anything for a while. You just hit your head pretty hard."

"I'm fine, honestly." I say.

He shakes his head and I roll my eyes. He plays with my hair again and tells me stories about him and Jamie until I fall asleep against his shoulder.


I'm in a dark room. My head hurts like crazy and I stand up. I try to walk but I cannot. I hear chains move and I tug. The chains are attached to cuffs that go around my wrists.

"H-hello?" I call out.

I hear laughter. "Ah she's awoken."

I look around, hoping to see a figure but there's nothing but darkness. "Where am I?"

"My lair. This is nothing but a nightmare for now,  but it will soon be real."

Suddenly I see him, standing five feet away from me. He has grey skin, black hair, and golden eyes. I stare at him in fear because around him there is black sand. That is edging it's way toward me.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Pitch Black," he says. "The one who knows your fears." He lifts his arms and the sand hits me and I'm screaming in pain and fear.

I wake up screaming and hitting everything. Ice cold hands lock around my wrists as I thrash around.

"November. November!" I stop and look at Jack's concerned face. I start crying. He hugs me and says "It's okay. You're fine. Was it a nightmare?"

I nod.

"Can you tell me about it?"

My voice shakes as I tell him. As soon as I tell him about the man named Pitch he gets up and grabs his staff.

"Jack, where are you going?"

He shakes his head. "What did he say to you?"

"He told me he knows all my fears." I say quietly. Jack turns to the window and opens it.

"Jack! Where are you going?" I repeat.

"I have to go to the North Pole. I have to warn North of what happened." He stares at me. "Want to come?" He asks. I bite my lip.

"How long will I be gone?"

"Not long. I'll bring you back before your mom comes home. Coming?"

I nod and he scoops me up in his arms and flies out the window.

"Close your eyes," he whispers to me and somehow I fall asleep.

Fallen SnowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz