Chapter 4

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Wanna build a snowman?" Jack asks. I smile and nod. He takes my hand and starts running. "Jack!" I gasp. "Jack I can't keep up with you, your legs are much longer than mine."

He laughs. "Sorry November. Come on, let's build a snowman!" He grabs his staff and starts pushing snow over to me. We then start rolling the snow and he stacks the balls we made on top of each other. After a while of perfecting our snowman Jack decides to throw a snowball at me. It hits my shoulder and gets all in my hair. "Jack!" I yell, laughing. I make a snowball and before throwing I stop and say, "Jack I can't throw this is no fair." He laughs. "Can't throw? Just try." I sigh and throw it the best I can in his direction. It lands right in front of his feet. He laughs. "Well, November, you tried." I shrug. Then I hear my mom yell for me to come inside because I've been out too long. I look at Jack. "Guess I have to go." He sighs. I wave and turn around to go inside. "Wait November!" He says.

"Yeah?" I turn around. "Can I come in?" I blush. "Yes. I don't think my mom will see you." He nods. "The parents never do."

We walk in the house together. I walk to the closet and hang up my coat and take off my shoes. I then walk into my room and turn on the light.

I turn around to Jack. He's floating over my bed. "I'll have to talk quietly or my mom will think I've gone crazy." He nods. "Yeah well.. I think you're crazy anyways." He laughs. I roll my eyes and drop myself on my bed. He lowers himself so he's in front of me. We're quiet for a moment.

"So," I say, wanting to break the silence. "What do you wanna talk about?" He shrugs. "Well since we're new friends we should get to know each other."

"Okay, but there's not anything exciting to know about me."

He looks at me, waiting for me to go on.

"Uh.. well I like to read and draw," I say.


I shake my head. "And nothing. I'm alone. I don't have friends. I'm an outcast at school. I have really bad anxiety." I say as I hold look at my shaking hands. I close my eyes and as soon as I do I feel ice cold hands cover mine. I open my eyes.

"It's okay," he says. "You don't have to be scared around me." I smile and nod. "I'm not." I say, and he returns a smile.

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