Chapter 2

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When I turn around, there's a boy there. He looks around 17 or 18. He has wild, white hair and big blue eyes. He's wearing only a dark blue hoodie and brown pants. No shoes. Odd. He's sitting on a branch in one of the smaller trees in the yard. "Wh- why are you laughing at me? It's not my fault I can't walk." He immediately stops laughing and stares at me. "What?" I say, blushing. I'm really shy, in case you haven't noticed. "You- you can see me?!" He jumps out of the tree and lands in front of me. I stagger back. "Yes.. should I not?" He smiles leaps in the air but instead of coming down he stays up there. "How did you-" but before I can finish he bursts out saying "What's your name?" I can feel myself begin to shake. Please, I don't want a panic attack right now. "Uh its November." He smiles and lowers himself on the ground. He holds out his hand. I grab his ice cold hand and we shake."I'm Jack Frost." I blink at him. "The real Jack Frost?" I ask, smiling. He nods. "Prove it." I say, crossing my arms. He shrugs and picks up a stick -staff?- and taps it against the tree trunk. The trunk freezes in beautiful swirls of ice. "Wow," I say touching the swirls. "Nice. I knew you were out there somewhere. Never thought I'd meet you though." He smiles. "Then you'd be the first in years to know I was out there. My last believer was Jamie, and he stopped believing about 15 years ago." He stops smiling and frowns. "We used to have so much fun. I've been alone for years." I sigh. "Me too." I say, looking up at his blue eyes. He looks confused. "You're mortal though. What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't have friends. I'm alone." He touches my arm. "I'll be your friend." He says.

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