Chapter 19

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Once we arrive at the North Pole, I am surprised. All of the guardians are there and instead of backing away from me or kicking me out, they welcome be back with open arms.

I ask North and Sandy if they're okay, since I did throw nightmare sand at them, but North reassured me saying that they were alright. Then the Tooth Fairy said "Let me see your teeth!" And pried my mouth open. "Tooth!" Jack exclaimed from behind me.

"Tooth," North said. "Hands out of mouth." She smiles and shrugs. "Sorry," she says.

I smile and Jack took my hand and pulled me outside. The snow came up to my knees.

"It's really deep here," I complained.

"Stop being a baby November."

"I'm not."

"Come on, let's build a snowman!" He exclaims.

Three snowman and four snowball fights later, I'm covered in snow and shivering.

"Wanna ice skate?" Jack asks.

"Uh, I never tried."

"It's easy come on!"

"Okay," I said, unsure.

I bite down on my lip as Jack taps the ground with his staff.

"Don't I need ice skates?" I ask.

"No," he said. "I've got you."

"Okay," I whisper.

He grabs my hands and walks backward as I slide across the ice. I slip backwards and he catches me before I hit the ice.

"You're too clumsy November."

"I told you that I would fail at this!"

He laughs and suddenly stops, his eyes fixed on the trees.

"Jack?" I ask, looking at the trees.

Lined up beside each other are tall black horses made of black sand.

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