Chapter 5

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We talked all day until night fell.

"Hey Jack?" I ask as he plays with my hair. "Can you give us another snow day?" He smiles. And leaps to the window.

"Sure. I'll be back in the morning."

I smile. He taps then end of his staff on my window and covers it in perfect swirls of ice crystals. I smile. "Night Jack." I say.

"Goodnight November." He says before he flies out my window.

I lay down, preparing for another panic attack. It never comes.

I wake up with a start. The nightmare I'd had was terrible.. although I can't remember it. I sit up and rub my eyes and look around. Then I see something move out of the corner of my eye. I look over and it's Jack. I jump and place my hand over my chest. My heart is beating crazily.

"Did I scare you?" He asks, clearly amused.

"I see that amuses you and yes you did."

I get up out of bed. "Good." He says.

I go to my desk and grab my brush and hair straightener. I plug the straightener in and begin brushing through my wild hair.

"Why's your hair so long?" Jack asks.

"No reason really, but I'm not all for girls with short hair." He nods.

"Want to play in the snow today?" I smile. "Sure just let me get ready."

It takes me an hour to get ready. Jack complained the whole time.

"Why do you take so long to get ready?" He whines as I'm finishing up my makeup.

" Because no one needs to see me without makeup on. They'd go blind."

Jack rolls his eyes and grabs my hand. "Come on!"

"Alright!" I say, laughing. My mom asks hears me and walks out of the kitchen.

"November who were you talking to?"

I stop and look at Jack.

"Sorry," he whispers. I realize he's still holding my hand and I can't concentrate.

"Uh.." I say. Myself?"

She stares at me. "Okay, are you going outside?" I nod.

"Don't stay out too long, it's freezing." Jack pulls my hand and we head out the door.

"I thought she'd never let you out." He says.

"Nah, she would've eventually." I say.

"Wanna climb a tree?" He asks.

"Uh... I never to high when I do.. I'm afraid I'll fall."

Suddenly his arm goes around my waist and I stop breathing. He flies me up to one of the middle branches. He doesn't let go and I can't breathe. Finally hid hands move to mine, which are gripping the front of his sweatshirt tightly.

"Hey you're okay." I nod and take deep breaths. "I'm okay I'm okay." I have to keep saying this because I've always been afraid of heights. He grabs my wrists and makes me let go of his sweatshirt. Then he lowers himself down on the branch and gently tugs my hand so I'll sit in front of him. I'm shaking like crazy and afraid to look down.

"We're not that high up." He says, trying to calm me.

"We're high enough to kill me or worse.. make me break my bones."

Jack laughs. "I won't let you fall."

I stare at him and again I can't breathe. I need to stop fangirling over him. I blush.

"Why do you always do that?" He asks, touching my cheek.

"Do what?" I ask, blushing more.

"You know what." He says, laughing.

"It doesn't matter. It shouldn't bother you anyway."

"It doesn't bother me."

We're silent for a moment. "Want to go higher?" He asks. My eyes widen and I shake my head.

"Come on, it'll be fun." He picks me up bridal style and flies in between branches to the top. "Jack!" I close my eyes and hold on to him.

"Alright alright." He lowers us on one of the bottom branches. I sigh in relief and sit. "Thank you." He frowns at me. "What?" I ask.

"You're no fun." He complains.

"I know." I say, standing up.

I being to walk down the branch.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I am having fun!" I say, trying to balance myself. I slip and grab ahold of a branch next to me.

"You're going to kill yourself." He says.

"Like anyone would miss me," I say, sticking my tongue out. He rolls his eyes then sticks his tongue out at me.

I continue walking up and down until I hear a snap. I look up at Jack and his face displays fear. Half a second after the snap, I'm falling.

"November!" He screams.

It feels like I'm falling in slow motion. I don't think I'll ever hit the ground when my back hits the frozen snow.

"Ow.." I moan and Jack is there beside me.

"Are you okay? That was a pretty big fall." I nod and rub the back of my head.

"I'm fine." I say and Jack helps me up and surprises me with a tight hug.

"Please be careful," he says quietly. Then he let's me go and holds my hands. "I don't want to lose my only believer." He smiles at me and I smile back.

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