A Normal Day

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A/N- the part where he plays guitar is inspired by the author of "The Lovley Wounds."

Lovino wakes up to the piercing alarm ringing in his ears. He didn't fall asleep until 1:30AM the previous night.

The memories of last nights visions flash in his mind.

He steps out of bed onto the cool ground. His steps feel heavy as he walks. He attempts to open the closet, but he notices his olive hands are shaking.

He decides to walk towards the mirror instead. His eyes are bloodshot red, but he can't pinpoint if it is due to crying or lack of sleep.

After his hands stop shaking and he gets dressed, he pours himself a bowl of Cheerios. He eats mindlessly.
"Fratello, how are you! You look tired!"says Lovino's little brother, Feliciano, skipping down the stairs.
"I didn't sleep well, but I'm fine" replies Lovino.

Lovino brushes his teeth, grabs his backpack and heads out the door to walk to school. Feli is still in grade 8, so they go to separate schools.

Lovino arrives at school with a throbbing headache due to the lack of sleep. His dark brown hair is being blown everywhere in the wind, frustrating Lovino. He waits for the bell to ring, standing against the red brick wall. He tries to forget. Forget the past. Forget the present. Just forget.

The bell rings and Lovino walks inside. The first class he has is technology, which makes him sigh. Lovino walks in and prepares his belongings.

Class drags on. When it's finally over, Lovino gathers his things and gets up to leave. He walks out and is walking down the hall. That is, until a certain Spaniard speaks.
"Are...uh...are you okay?" He asks.
"That shouldn't matter to you, bastard! And yes, I'm fine." Lovino replies, then walks away angrily.

Math class drags on for Lovino, but eventually it's lunch. He sits alone in the cafeteria, enjoying his home made tomato pasta. The atmosphere is loud, but at least he can relax while he has his pasta. Well, at least he was relaxing until the Spanish boy sat at his table.
"You look like you need some one. Well, my name is Antonio, and I'm in grade 12."
"Leave me alone bastard." Sneers Lovino.
"No. You are sitting alone, and I am now sitting here." Says Antonio.
"Whatever." Lovino growls.

They then eat in silence.

Lovino arrives home, still extremely tired. He throws off his shoes and runs to his room. The bright light beaming from the window mocks his tired eyes, his thoughts drifting to dark things, as usual. He grabs his acoustic guitar and takes a seat on his bed. He starts to strum and pluck a beautiful melody, attempting to feel tranquil. He finds himself lost in the song. He plays calmly, finally being able to forget. Forget about the past, the present, the horror, and feel one with the music.

Lovino plays for so long, he is late to dinner. He eats slowly, savouring the tomato sauce on the pizza. Then he does some homework until it's time to go to sleep.

Time to go to sleep.

His breathes grow heavier as he reaches to turn off the light. His hands tremble. He wonders what visions will greet him tonight. If they come at all...

He turns off the light and lays in bed. He tries to close his eyes, but the horror keeps them open.

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