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Antonio's POV

Lovino crashes into me with much force, but I catch him and carry his fragile body to the couch.
"Lovino! Are you awake? What is wrong?" I frantically scream.
"A-Antonio, I am okay, just let me sleep. I will explain when I wake up." He mutters, accent heavy and his eyes fluttering. I cover him in a blue fuzzy blanket, and let him sleep.

What is wrong? Why is he so tired? My poor Lovi...

I decide to cut up some tomatoes for when he wakes up, because I know he loves those. The juice from the red fruit drips down my arm, and I lick up the delicious tomato juice. I finish chopping and place the bowl of tomatoes on the table next to the couch. I then decide read as I wait. I sit in the fluffy white chair next to the couch and try to relax, but I cant help but worry about Lovino. He is sleeping peacefully, but I feel an unease. He seemed strange when he came in, almost, eerie.


Yet I don't understand why.

4 hours later, he wakes up while I am still reading.
"Lovino! You are awake! Please, have some tomatoes and water." I say. He groans heavily and shakily grabs a tomato, chewing slowly.
"Thank you." He manages. He takes a sip of water and positions himself on the couch.

"Antonio, let me explain. The visions have become even worse than before. And the worst part is the man. There is a man that shows up in my visions. He is murderous, and haunts me. He has haunted me since the ninth grade. He controls all the demons, all the fire. He controls everything! He has taken over my life, and I am so afraid that he is coming for me. He is coming. Anyways, last night, I had a vision. He carried your unconscious body, and stabbed you to death. In front of me. And I was so scared afterwards that I didn't fall asleep until 7:00. And then I had to wake up at 8:00. I survived the day on coffee, but broke down when I arrived here. And that is why I am here."

I am speechless. Lovino just sits there, no emotion. I decide to sit on the couch next to him, and try to hold him.

He starts to sob. His entire body shakes rapidly. I pull him closer, trying to comfort him. He saw me die! He must be so scared! Not to mention, he thinks some guy is after him!

"Antonio, he is coming. He is going to kill us!" He cries.
"Shhh. Lovino, you've made this all up. He isn't real. You can stay here tonight, tomorrow is a Saturday without class." He nods in agreement.
"Will you come with me to the psychologist tomorrow? Its only a few blocks away." He croaks.
"Yes. Whatever you like!" I reply. He gives a weak smile.
I give him some pyjamas to sleep in, and he hops in bed. I hop in a few moments later. Luckily, I have a good sized bed, so we fit comfortably. He is still extremely tired, but he is staring at the wall. His face is twisted in a menacing grimace.
"Lovino, whats wrong?" I ask.
"He is right there."

I start to panic. Lovino is having a hallucination, and I don't know how to help him!  
"There is no one there." I tell him, trying to be logical.
"I see him. But he is just a vision now. Only when he comes for real is when we will die." He says, tears filling his eyes. He cries, hard. I sit there, trying to figure out how to help my poor little Lovino.

Eventually, I hold him in my arms again. And I feel his tears stop.
"The visions stop when you hold me." He says shakily.

So I don't let go.
I wake up, and look over at the sleeping Lovino. The light that fills the room gives his hair a cute shine, and I wish I could stare at his sleeping figure forever. But my wish is not granted, as his amber eyes flicker open until he is looking right at me.
"Hello." He says.
"Hi Lovino. Are you still up for going to the psychologist?" I ask him, hoping he says yes.
"Ya. But do I need an appointment?" He asks.
"Don't worry Lovi, I looked them up and booked an appointment. Its in 2 hours." I say, and he smiles.

We both get ready. I give him clean clothes, which are slightly too big for him, but thats okay. He wears a big grey t-shirt and black jeans that are much too lose on him. I wear my favourite green sweatshirt and blue jeans I've had since high school.

I make eggs for breakfast, then we set off. As we walk, he seems eager.
"What are you so excited about?" I ask, curious.
"I'm happy to finally be figuring it out, and getting help." He says. I take his hand and smile.

Lovino's POV

"Mr. Vargas? Come in." Says a man. I walk into a white room with a wooden table in the centre. There are 2 metal chairs, one on either side.
"Take a seat." Says the psychologist. I sit down.
"So what seems to be the issue?" He asks.
"Well, since 9th grade I've seen scary, vivid visions at night. I tried to kill myself once because of it. And there is this short, murderous man who controls the visions. He only appears sometimes, but I know that one day, he will come. He is on his way, doctor! Last night, I envisioned him killing my boyfriend! Doctor, I just know he is coming, and he is going to kill me and Antonio!"

He nods, and a few tests are done on me. After those, he stares at me, then writes away at a paper, then rips it off.
"Mr. Vargas, I am going to give you this paper of official diagnosis. Take it to your real doctor, who will file it into your records. I am also giving you these pills to help out with your troubles." Says the doctor.
"What is is my diagnosis?" He looks me in the eye.
"Lovino Vargas, you are schizophrenic."

The rest of the day is a blur. Antonio rides the bus with me to go to my doctor. Then we go back to campus. The entire time, Antonio is trying to comfort me, but I don't pay much attention.

We go back to my room, and we watch a few movies that I do not pay any attention to. Instead, I wonder how I am going to sleep tonight.

Antonio stays over because I am not ready to spend a night alone quite yet.
My bed is small, but we make it work because I don't want to sleep alone.
"Antonio, I am in love with you and have been since high school. But how can you love me back if I am like this?" I say, tears threatening to spill out.

"Lovino, I love you. Nothing can change that."

I pass out in his arms again.

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