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Cr for art-google didn't specify.

Antonio visits Lovino everyday. A schedule is created where the family goes in the nighttime, and he visits after school. This luckily isn't a problem, because Lovino's family thinks he is amazing and is good for their little Lovi, even though they still don't know why Lovino did what he did. They constantly remind Antonio of how happy they are for his son to have such a caring boyfriend, and that always makes Antonio feel welcome.

It has been two weeks of his coma, and Antonio is just hoping that Lovino will be okay.
"Hey." Antonio says, gently smiling and sitting down on a metal chair. He is at the hospital for his daily visit, and he wants to show Lovino how much he loves him.
"Lovino, I love you." He says, a single tear running down his cheek. "I need you, Lovi. I need you to help me- no sorry. I just, I can't face my family without you helping me, I just-" a sob wracks his strong body, his eyes become bloodshot. Attempting to speak, and manages a few words.
"I-I'm sorry- I just- I can't do this right now." Antonio says, planting a kiss on Lovino's forehead before walking out.

Little did he know, Lovino so wanted him to stay he wanted to be held in his muscular arms, and feel safe like once did. But now, he may never have another chance to kiss him and be held in his arms again. He might die, and hurt his family and his boyfriend! All because he tried to kill himself.
I am an idiot! He thinks.

He is able to think all these things, but he can't move. It's getting difficult for him to have these emotions that he can't express.
1 week later

Antonio just got back from school and is getting ready to visit his boyfriend in the hospital. He had gym last period, so he showers, wanting to look good for the visit.

He hops out of the shower, and drys off, dressing into some nice black jeans and pulling a dark green sweatshirt over his head. Running into the washroom, he runs the towel through his wet curls, then uses his brush to comb them out quickly. Then he rushes back to his room where he searches for some socks, which he eventually finds and slips on. He washes his hands, grabs his phone, then heads to the door, almost tripping down the stairs before slipping his shoes on and heading outside. He feels a cool breeze, due to the fact that it's only April. Shivering, he hops into his car band drives to the hospital.

He walks in the revolving doors, and heads to the desk.
"I'm here for Lovino Vargas." He says, waiting to be escorted by a nurse, which is what has to happen because of Lovino's condition. He girl at the front desk smiles, and makes a call.
"Bring Lovino to the main level." She says into the phone, confusing him. Are they going to bring his bed to Antonio? Is he okay? Antonio starts to feel panicky as he waits. After a while of standing there waiting, she speaks.
"I was watching him earlier, and he wouldn't stop talking about a guy named Antonio. Is that you?" She asks.
"Yes, but, what do you mean he was talking?" Antonio asks, even more confused. But before he can ask anymore questions, he hears a rolling noise behind him. He turns around and sees a nurse pushing a wheelchair.

Lovino is in it.

And he is awake.

They lock eyes before Antonio runs over to him. The nurse steps aside, giving space to the pair. Lovino is thinking about how much he has wanted to kiss the Spaniard, and be held in his arms. Antonio is estatic that he made it! He is awake! Antonio kneels down to his level, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. Luckily, the only people in the room are the nurse, the girl at the desk and the lovestruck pair.
"The family already saw him, but we kept his awakening a secret from you so we could surprise you at the visit." Says the nurse. "Lovino couldn't wait to see you!" She finishes. Antonio grins at her before looking back at his awakened boyfriend.
"Hey b-bastard, I've been waiting 3 weeks for this, just staring at you, unable to move. So p-please, kiss me." Lovino says weakly, turning tomato red. Antonio looks back for permission from the nurse, who nods her head.

(Antonio is still kneeling)
Gently but passionately, he connects their lips, both boys savouring the moment. Before, they were both afraid that they wouldn't be able to do this again back when Lovino was still in the coma,  so this kiss is special. Antonio feels Lovino lean forward, wrapping his arms around his neck, causing Antonio to sit upright to make sure Lovino didn't fall out of the chair. Antonio deepens the kiss, holding Lovino's shoulders.

This is perfect. They both think.

When they both pull away for air, the nurse and receptionists clap, causing both teens to blush a bright pink.

After all the one way conversations, the tears and sleepless nights, he is finally awake!
Two days later, he is released and able to walk, but he has to stay at home for another few days.

Antonio grabs the flowers, fixing his hair in the mirror, then heads to Lovino's house. He rings the doorbell, and Feli opens it.
"Ciao Antonio!" He says, beaming. "I'm assuming you are here to see my brother, he is in his room." Feli says.
"Gracias Feliciano!" Antonio says, removing his shoes and running up the stairs eagerly to see his boyfriend.

He knocks on the door, flowers in hand.
"It's me, Antonio." He humms. The door opens and reveals a very cute Lovino.
"Some flowers for the recovering Lovi." Says Antonio, smirking and handing him the flowers. Antonio looks around his little room notices cute decor too...
"Thanks, bastard." Says Lovino, accepting the flowers and putting them aside to take care of later. Right now, he is focused on the extremely attractive Spaniard currently in his room.
"There are multiple things I need to say that I wasn't able to before." Says Lovino, referring to when he was in a coma. He sees his boyfriend's eyes darken.
"Like what?" Asks Antonio.
"Well about what you said just over a week ago, I want to help you with your family, so please, don't be afraid. Also you said that you..well, you said you love me." Lovino says, standing in front of Antonio. "And I just want to tell you, I love you back more than I love tomatoes." Lovino says, looking up at the other boy.

Antonio speaks no words, instead he holds Lovino around the waist and kisses him passionately as Lovino happily allows Antonio to kiss him.

Lovino smiles into the kiss, filled with the joy of being alive and kissing Antonio.

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