It's been a while buddy

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Lovino walks ever so slowly towards Antonio.  Flavio had just removed himself from on top of Antonio and was standing beside the chair, looking at Lovino. Antonio doesn't speak, and neither does Lovino or Flavio. There is silence. Lovino reaches his destination beside the chair that Antonio is still sitting on, looking down at him. Antonio feels a strange need to explain let him know that it wasn't his fault, but Lovino senses this in an instant, and looks at him with a glance that says don't worry I know this wasn't your fault.

The silence is menacing, and Lovino can't take it anymore. He walks towards the granite kitchen counter, almost slapping his hand down on it in anger, but stops himself.
"Why?" He asks instead, in a small voice that cracks slightly. The air seems to loose oxygen as he speaks, breaking the silence. He waits for a response. Nothing. He continues to wait.
"You've had everything." Flavio says.
"What?" Lovino says.
"Did you call mom?"
"Than you know who I am."
"Then you know that I've had nothing you had! You had our parents, you had everything!" Flavio yells, walking towards Lovino with tears in his eyes.
"So you sexually assault my boyfriend?" Lovino screams.
"So I take something away that you have. For me to have. Antonio is lucky you walked in when you did." Flavio states, turning away. Meanwhile, Antonio is watching the commotion unfold, not fully understanding, but still a bit to shaken to want to understand.

Lovino looks over at Flavio.
"When I heard what happened with the nurse I was floored! And I realized that..."
"What? What did you fucking realize! That you've been part of some scheme your whole life to not be told you have a FUCKING. IDENTICAL. TWIN. BROTHER?!" Flavio screams, his voice braking at the end. Lovino is speechless, meanwhile Antonio is still shaken, but now confused, and curious.
"C-can someone explain this to me?" He gently asks. Lovino is about to answer, but Flavio takes it upon himself.
"When we were babies, the nurse kidnapped me and stole me. I was never found until  the age of 14, and I decided to stay with her, because...she was like a mom to me. Well, that's what my dumb mind thought then. Anyways, I was expecting to at least see my brothers, but my REAL mom said it would be too painful for them to know I exist if I'm not going to live with them! I just didn't want to live with a family I didn't know! I still wanted to meet them! But no, my biological mom couldn't understand that. And why is it, that for 14 years she KNEW the nurse either still had me or had killed me...and NEVER TOLD MY BROTHERS I EXISTED? What kind of person does that?"

Everyone is silent until Lovino speaks in a soft voice.
"I'm sorry. That was horrible. She was probably in pain"-
"PAIN?" Flavio shrieks, walking towards Lovino who is by the kitchen counter. "What does she know about pain? How are you defending her? What do you even know about fucking pain Lovino? You've lived your life where you get everything, you are happy with your boyfriend in college and everything is just so great for you."
"I am schizophrenic. Oh and also, Antonio and I were forced apart for several years because of his homophobic parents." Lovino says "But I wasn't even going to tell you that. I wasn't even going to mention any of my problems because when mom told me the truth ALL I wanted to do was hug you, and comfort you, and get to know you as my brother. But then I walk in on this! Why would you even...".

"I told you!" Flavio interrupts. "To spite you, to take something from you."

There is another silence as Flavio walks away toward the door and tilts his head down in shame. He takes off his pink glasses, looking back to Lovino.
"I guess I'm regretting that a little bit now. I guess the whole getting to know you thing would have been better." Flavio begins to cry, looking at the pained Lovino and the traumatized Antonio.
"I-I'm sorry." He chokes. And with that, he runs out of the apartment, still crying, leaving Lovino and Antonio both emotionally shaken.

Lovino walks over to Antonio, taking his hand and helping him up, not saying a word. He looks at Antonio, who gives him a I'm not ready to talk about it look. Lovino nods, And leads him to the burgundy couch in the living room, sitting them down and resting his head on Antonio's shoulder. They fall asleep like that, both still not talking but understanding that they need to face something like this together. Soon, Lovino falls asleep, but Antonio is awake in thought.
That was horrifying...but...the guy needs help. He needs Lovino.

Lovino wakes, still resting on Antonio's shoulder. He looks up to see his boyfriend's green eyes glazed with tears.
"Toni, it's okay. Lovino says, sitting up to face him.
"Lovi, I don't want to see him after he did that to me. He scares me." Antonio says, pained.
"Toni I don't worry you will never have to see him again!" Lovino exclaims.
"But...I think you should go. He needs you, he is unstable, and unsafe, and he is your twin. I'll be fine, but he needs help, and your forgiveness." Antonio says plainly. Lovino is alarmed by this.
"Forgiveness? How can I do that? He hurt you so much I can't even stand to look at him, let alone forgive him Toni!"
"You have to. Do it for me. I'll be okay." Antonio says, smiling and giving Lovino a quick kiss.
"No. No I am not leaving you alone here to go comfort the guy who just sexually assaulted by boyfriend!" Lovino says, his voice cracking.
"You can look at it that way, or you can look at it as going to help a long lost abused family member." Antonio says to Lovino. The Italian looks at his boyfriend, not understanding how he can be so selfless, and calm. The tears well up in Lovino's eyes.
"So that's what you want?" He mutters.
"Yes. Lovi, I'm fine. Go help him." Antonio says, causing Lovino to tackle him in a hug.
"I love you Toni. You always put others first." This provokes a weak smile from Antonio.
"Love you too. Now go!" Toni exclaims. Lovino grabs his phone, puts on his shoes, and heads out. As soon as he is gone, Antonio let's out a breath, taking out his cell phone. He dials Francis' number.
"Hey." Antonio says weakly. "Gotta tell you something." And with that Antonio explains what had happened in the past while to Francis.
"I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?" Francis asks.
"Yes. That's why I called. I need to get hella wasted and forget this!" Antonio says.
"But- you told Lovino you'd stop drinking and-
"Great. I'll be at your dorm room in 5 minutes." Antonio blurts, ignoring his friend's comment. He hangs up, then walks to the kitchen, grabbing his favourite shot glass.
"It's been a while buddy." He says blankly, walking out the door without even bothering to put shoes on.

A/N: it's been about a year since I started this story! A lot has happened. I'm gonna end it soon...but if anyone wants a part 2 I'll make a separate book. But don't worry, there are still quite a few chapters to the end.

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