A Red Cheek

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A/N: Omg 700+ reads??? Thank you all the reads! If you want, you can show support by voting and commenting. Thanks to everyone!!! Also btw, this chapter has a lil Prucan:) end of authors note.

Antonio, who is now slightly less drunk, doesn't want the hot water to stop hitting his skin. Despite this, he knows that he has to get out of the shower, as his boyfriend is still at his place. He turns of the hot water, grabbing a towel and drying himself off. Once he has changed, he steps out of the washroom to go and greet his Italian boyfriend. Antonio drags his feet towards his bedroom, but the sight he see, he is not expecting. He sees Lovino on his knees, next to his bed. He is holding a bottle of gin in his shaking hands, and he looks visibly upset.

That moment, Antonio realizes that Lovino found out. He starts to panic, looking around for a means of escape. Unfortunately, there is no way he can escape this conversation that must be had with the Italian who is sitting on he ground. Just then, Lovino rises, putting down the bottle. His small frame is shaking. He is about 5 paces away from Antonio, and his pained and bloodshot hazel eyes look into his.

"How could you?" Says a weak voice.

"Lovi, I-"

"You lied. How could you? Why didn't you tell me about your addiction?"

Antonio is speechless. He just doesn't know what to say. Lovino wipes away his tears, and then walks towards Antonio. He gives him one last long look in the eye.

And then he slaps him.

Antonio is shocked at first, that his love would even harm him in such a way. He feels the bitter sting, but he know he deserves it. He does not move, he just stands there and watches Lovino cry as he walks out the oak door. He then slams it shut, leaving Antonio alone. For a long period of time, Antonio stands in the exact place where Lovino slapped him, and processes what just happened. He feels a large emptiness, one that is all too familiar, similar to how he felt when him and Lovino were first separated. Then, Antonio starts to cry. He feels like he cries a lot, but there is not much that he can do about it. He is a sniffling mess, so he goes to the washroom to clean up. Looking in the mirror, his entire face is red, but one part s slightly more irritated. His left cheek, where Lovino slapped him. He feels anger, but not at Lovino, at himself. How could he have been so selfish! He hurt his poor Lovino. He stares at himself in the mirror, and hates the pitiful reflection. He decides, instead of wallowing in his misery, he should talk to a friend on campus. Nodding his head to reassure himself, he walks to the door and slides on his light grey runners. Opening the door, he takes one last sniffle before heading over to Gilbert's dorm room.

Antonio knocks on the door, waiting for his energetic friend to open the door. The door swings open.
"Hey Toni, vhat brings jou here?" Says the overenthusiastic Gilbert.
"I want to talk about something that just happened...with Lovi."
"Oh. Is it okay if zhe amazing Matthew is here vhile ve talk?"
"Yeah, no problem." Antonio walks in, noticing Matthew on the couch. Gilbert takes a seat next to the Canadian, wrapping an arm around him and snuggling close to his now blushing boyfriend.
"So, vhat happened vith Lovino?"
"I have a drinking addiction."
"I was hiding it, but he found my bottles. It really hurt him, and he"-
"He vhat?" Asks a concerned Gilbert. Antonio sighs.
"He slapped me, and he left. And it's all my fault!" Antonio begins to cry again. Gilbert comes forward, and gives him a hug. He comforts his trembling friend.
"It's okay. Vhat jou and Lovino have is truly special, and jou guys vhil vork it out." This just makes Antonio cry harder.
"I-I think he hates me now! I blew my shot w-with him!" Antonio yells. Gilbert pulls away from the hug and looks at the hysterical Antonio. Then they both hear Matthew answering his phone.
"Hello? Oh, hello Lovino."
Both Antonio and Gilbert practically choke, remembering that Matthew and Lovino are friends.
"I'm at Gilberts place. Ya you can come, bye."
Matthew hangs up, and Gilbert looks at him in astonishment.
"Vhy did jou do zhat? Jou know zhat Lovino is mad at Antonio!"
"I panicked! Lovino is really upset and he wanted to talk to me!" Matthew is all red.
"It's fine, I can just leave." Antonio says.
And then there is a knock on the door.
"Shit! That was fast!!!I'll go hide in the shower!" Yelps Antonio. He runs to the washroom, slipping and sliding on the hardwood floors as he does so. He finally makes it, and hides in the shower behind the curtain. He then hears Lovino come in, greeting Gilbert and Matthew. He sits silently for a while as they talk amongst each other. He notices that every once and a while, Lovino starts to cry, and then start talking again. Antonio knows that it is his fault.

After about 17 minutes, he hears Lovino walking towards the washroom.
"Don't go in there!" Gilbert and Matthew yell in unison.
"Why not?" Questions Lovino.
"I have to pee, and you two make no sense, so I'm going." Lovino states, leaving the pair speechless. Antonio flinches as Lovino turns on the light. And maybe he gasps a little. He then starts to panic. Did Lovino hear him?
"What the hell was that?" Lovino mutters to himself, walking towards the shower.

He opens the curtain.

"What the f**k are you doing here?" He asks a startled Antonio, who scrambles for words.
"I-I came here to talk to Gilbert, and then you asked Matthew if you could come over, and he got all scared and said yes, so I was going to leave, but then you knocked so I freaked out and hid in the shower because I know you don't want to see me right now.

Lovino looks at him, and starts crying, again.
"You are right, I don't want to see you right now."

Antonio wishes that he could comfort Lovino like usual, but he knows he can't do that right now.

Lovino runs out of the washroom, and out of Gilbert's dorm room. He runs all the way back to his own room and slams the door.

A/N: did you like it? If so, please vote and comment!!!

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