We'll See

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It has been three weeks.

It has been three weeks since Lovino slapped Antonio, three weeks. Lovino still refuses to talk to Antonio, heck he doesn't even acknowledge him! He feels deprived of Lovino.  Antonio doesn't know what to do. He has still been drinking, I mean what else is he going to do?

This is exactly what he is thinking about all day during class. He thinks about this as he exits his last class and heads to grab some food. He thinks about this as he orders Tim Hortons and then he turns around to sit at a table.

And he stops thinking of this. This is because he knows exactly what else he is going to do. He sees Lovino sitting right there, and he knows that he has talk to him. Lovino has a large burgundy sweatshirt on, with blue jeans. He has a white headset on, and he is currently doing some assignment on his laptop. Something about Lovino looks particularly adorable to Antonio. He mentally prepare what he is going to say to Lovino, and he suddenly feels very nervous. Putting on a fake act of being calm, he smiles and sits down, causing the Italian to look up, then look back down.
"Can I please talk to you?" Asks Antonio, sipping his coffee.
"Fine, jerk. Make it quick."
"It wont be quick. Maybe we could do this outside, on a bench?" Asks Antonio hopefully. Lovino rolls his eyes.
Lovino packs up his lunch bag, and then pair exits the Tim Hortons, sitting at the nearest bench.
"I love you." Antonio says.
"Shut up you bastard. What did you bring me here for.?"
Antonio is slightly hurt, but he clears his throat, and begins.
"I started drinking to deal with my past neglect, and also to deal with losing you. When you came back into my life, I was overjoyed, I was so happy! But I was already addicted, so I hid it from you. Which was stupid of me, I just didn't want you to hate me, a-and now I hurt you, and I am so sorry. Lovi, I truly am. And I am going to stop drinking. I will, for you Lovino. P-please Lovi." Antonio takes a moment to collect himself.
"Anyways, thats all I have to say." He finishes, and then waits in awkward silence, hoping Lovino will break down the wall he has built between them.

But instead, he starts to run.
"Lovi!" Yells Antonio, but no answer. So, he chases him. He follows him to his dorm, and knocks on the door.
"Lovino, please. Please I can't lose you...please." Antonio is breathless, and there is a sense of desperation in his voice. Nobody answers, and he knocks again.
"Please Lovino. I am so sorry! I should have never hurt you!" When there is no response, Antonio starts to sob. He takes a seat at his door, and just sobs. People around him stare, but he just keeps crying. He is now convinced that he has lost his Lovino forever! Eventually, he stands up dragging himself to his dorm rook where he can try to sleep away his problems.

The next day, Antonio can barley drag himself to class. In case you couldn't guess, he didn't guess, he got no sleep, he was up all night thinking of Lovino. Dragging himself out of bed, he gets ready for class, dreading the day. His dark circles are prominent, and he is quite self conscious about this. Sighing for the fifth time this morning, he ignores them, slipping on his black hoodie. Once he is finally finished getting ready, he grabs his bag and heads to his first class. He enjoys college, because he really likes the cooking program he is in. Unfortunately, he knows he will not enjoy it today.

By time there is 15 minutes left of his last course, Antonio is drained. His friend, Valerie, takes notice that he seems down.
"Whats wrong Antonio?" She asks him. The two have been friends since the beginning of the program, since they were 18. Valerie supports him, and knows about what he has been through, so he understands why she is concerned.
"Nothing. Just tired." He responds flatly. She sends him a wary glance, but she doesn't further question him. He is grateful for this. Soon enough class is over, and he heads straight to Lovino's room. He just hopes he is there, and hopes even more that he will listen. He arrives and knocks.
"Lovi, it's me. Please open up."
"Lovino I love you."
"I'm leaving now." Says Antonio. Before he cam move, Lovino opens the door.
"Sorry for running yesterday, I'm just ashamed for you to see me cry." Admits Lovino.
"Lovi, we are supposed to be eachother's emotional supports, you should never be ashamed to cry  in front of me!" Antonio exclaims. Lovino just looks at him, inviting him in and closing the door. He then wraps his arms around Antonio's torso, burying his face in his shoulder. It takes Antonio a second to register that Lovino is actually showing him affection, but once he does, grips him tight, soothing him.
"Antonio I really f**king missed you. There was no one to call or snuggle when things got rough at night."
Antonio pulls away from the hug.
"I am here now." He says, looking Lovino in the eye before leaning in and connecting their lips, something that hasn't occurred in a while, something they both definitely missed. Antonio wraps his arms around Lovino's waist. After a while, Antonio pulls away.
"How can I make it up to you?" He asks Lovino, who smirks and looks Antonio in the eye.
"We'll see."

A/N: I am not going to write smut. Like ya, in the story, its implied they have had sex, which makes sense, they have. But I have and will not be writing it because I am a good child and I don't want to. So if yall are expecting smut, you are not getting it. Also, I want a nickname to put at the end of my authors notes. Any ideas? Please comment. Thanks!

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