Can we start where we left off?

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Lovino wakes up before his alarm. He got a good sleep, probably because he didn't haven any visions. His first class is in an hour, so he throws on black jeans, a grey shirt and heads to the washroom to clean up. While he combs his hair, he wonders if he will see Antonio again.

Being honest with himself, Lovino knows that he has never stopped loving Antonio. Seeing him here is a dream come true, especially now that his parents have finally said he can date boys. But does Antonio love him back?

All these thoughts cause Lovino to accidentally leave the tap on while lost in thought. Once he comes back to reality, he finishes washing his face and cleaning up. He grabs his phone, his wallet, and his supplies before heading to a breakfast place.

He orders a bagel and coffee, then walks to class while munching on the bagel and drinking the coffee.
Lovino gets out of his last class at 4:00, and he starts to head back to his room to make some linner. (Lunch+dinner)
As he walks, he receives a text. He picks up his phone only to see that it's from Antonio! He forgot that he had his number.

A: want to meet to get early dinner?

Lovino's heart speeds up and butterflies invade his stomach.

L: sure, where?

A: at the restaurant beside the smoothie place.

L: okay, heading there now.

Lovino walks to the restaurant, feeling terrified. What if Antonio doesn't want to start anything? By the time he arrives at the restaurant, his face is extremely red. He spots Antonio.
"Hi." Lovino says, causing Antonio to walk up to him before they are seated. They order their food, and then they wait. All Lovino can think of is how perfect his ex boyfriend is sitting infront of him.

Their food comes, and they begin eating in silence before Antonio speaks.
"What are you studying?" He asks, a curious look on his face.
"Business." I want to sell tomatoes and tomato products for a living." Says Lovino, grinning. "What about you?" He asks Antonio.
"Well, this college offers a cooking program, so I'm doing that." Says Antonio, earning nod from Lovino.

And then they had another one of their moments where they just stare at each other. It isn't awkward, and there is almost a kind of understanding happening. Lovino starts to lose himself in the emerald eyes of the Spaniard infront of him. The same thing happens to Antonio, and they both sit there comfortably. After a while, they go back to eating, silently.

They pay for their food, but they don't separate. They take a seat on a bench, neither of them saying a word for several minutes. Lovino looks around and sees how dead the area is, in that there is no one around.

Antonio is just playing memories of Lovino in his head. The laughs, the kisses and hospital visits. He feels extremely nervous, because he doesn't know what to do. He thinks of the previous night, and how Lovino said he never got over him.....

Their thoughts of each other become overwhelming. This has been both of their dreams ever since they ended it, to see each other again and be able to be together.

Antonio turns to Lovino.
"I-I'm sorry, I just can't take this anymore. Can we start where we left off?" He asks, hope tracing his voice. He just wants to be with him again. Lovino smirks but doesn't reply, worrying Antonio.

Still smirking, he wraps his arms around Antonio and gently begins to kiss him. Antonio tenses with shock, but he realizes that no one is around, and he relaxes, kissing back and and closing his eyes. He then wraps his arms around the Italian's back, and pulls him closer. They had both wished to do this for years, and now it is finally happening. They continue to kiss until their need for oxygen kicks in and they pull away breathless.

"You are still an amazing kisser." Says Antonio stunned by what just happened. Lovino closes his eyes and then opens them to look into Antonio's.
"I never came close to getting over you. For the first year, the only way I could fall asleep was if I pretended I was in your arms. And there hasn't been one day where you weren't on my mind. I know this sounds a bit sudden, but I just need to tell you, I never fell out of love with you." Lovino finishes, tears in his eyes.
"Mi amor, I always wondered if you thought of me, or if you forgot about me. I was never the same after that day that we ended. I sobbed so hard I threw up. And it was so hard seeing you in the halls, I knew you weren't happy. I'm just happy that we have now found each other. And this time, we will never be separated." Antonio finishes.
There is another party just starting, and they walk in together, their hands intertwined. Antonio is 20, so he grabs a glass of wine, while Lovino has some water. They walk around and Antonio introduces Lovino to some of his friends. Lovino begins to explain their story, but Antonio stops him.
"Lo siento Lovi, they already know what happened.
"Your story is so tragic, I'm so happy you are finnaly together again, I ship it!" Says one friend, causing Lovino to blush hard.

A slow song comes on, and Antonio pulls Lovino close to his chest, and Lovino can hear his heartbeat. Lovino holds Antonio, and they begin to slowly sway to the music. All of the memories begin to flood Lovino. Antonio was always there to comfort Lovino when things got bad, and always made him feel better. He always cared so much, always visited him in the hospital, and always knew what to say. He cared from the first day he saw the lonely 10th grader sitting alone and decided to sit with him.

Lovino tightens his grip on Antonio as they peacefully sway to the music. He is so afraid to lose him like he once did. As they continue to dance, Lovino rests his head on his partner'a shoulder, closing his eyes.
"I don't want to lose you again." Lovino says. Antonio pulls away but grips Lovino at his shoulders. Lovino's head is down to hide his tears, but Antonio removes one hand from his shoulders and tilts his head up, revealing his tears.
"I will never leave you. I am love with you, and I have been since highschool.
We are both adults, and no one can tell us not to be together. Lovi, you won't lose me." Antonio says reassuringly, staring into Lovino's hazel eyes.

Lovino responds by kissing his boyfriend in the middle of the dance floor, causing Antonio's friends to go

Antonio melts into the kiss, clutching Lovino like he could slip away if khe didn't.

Everyone the party admires how adorable they are. A perfect couple.

Visions (A sad Spamano fic) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz