Revealing Truth

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It has been 11 days since he got out of the hospital.

Lovino sits up in bed, his heart pounding. This is the first time he has seen visions since his attempt.

They aren't as bad, luckily.

Antonio makes everything better, which is why Lovino feels so guilty for not telling him the truth. Not telling him why he did it.

Danmit. He thinks, than tries to get some sleep, hoping the visions are over.
The next day in the schoolyard before school starts, Lovino feels an arm around him. He jumps, than relaxes.
He is still getting used to having a boyfriend.
"B-bastard, warm me before doing that!" Scolds Lovino. Antonio just chuckles and pulls him close. Lovino surprisingly doesn't fight it, because he craves Antonio's comforting kiss. Their lips are 2 centimetres apart when the school bell rings. Instead of kissing, they say goodbye, and head to class.

Lovino decides he is going to tell Antonio.

When school is finished, Lovino walks up to Antonio.
"We need to have a long talk." States Lovino. Antonio gives him a confused look in return. Had he done something wrong?
"Can you come to my house?" Lovino asks, which earns a nod from Antonio.

Antonio drives with Lovino directing him to the house.

They walk in and up to Lovino's room.

"What am I doing here?" Asks Antonio. Lovino gives him a plain glare.

"So I can tell you the truth." And with that he starts.

He tells Antonio, including the visions. "And that's it. Those are the 3 reasons why I hate myself and tryed to kill myself."

Antonio throws his arms around Lovino.

Lovino breaks.

He sobs, soaking Antonio's shirt with salty tears. Antonio feels Lovino's chest heave up and through sobs. Antonio responds by holding him tighter.

Tears form in Antonio's eyes.

Lovino stifles his sobs in Antonio's shoulder. They just hold eachother close.

After recovering from the crying, Lovino pulls away

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After recovering from the crying, Lovino pulls away.
"What now?" He asks.
"It's my turn." Antonio says with a pained look in his eyes.
"When my parents found out I was gay, they made me live in the basement. I was only 14, and I had to cook and care for myself. Then child services got involved, and took me away. I was away from them for 2 years, but they then returned me to my parents, on the condition they would take care of me. They agreed, but they still hate the fact that I'm gay, and I feel so unloved!" Antonio finishes sobbing.

Lovino looks into Antonio's eyes.
"Te amo." He says to him in Spanish, pulling him into another hug.
"Lovi, you know Spanish?"
"A little." He replies.
"In that case, yo también te amo"

Lovino find Antonio very attractive when he speaks Spanish, so he pulls out of the hug and kisses him, giving Antonio no chance to think about doing anything else other than kissing him back and pulling him closer.

A/N- Okie that was short, but I hope you like it. Also, photo creds to unknown, google didn't show the artist.
Feel free to follow and check out my other story😊

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