How Could You?

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Antonio and Lovino have been together  for a month now, and Antonio is really happy. It's a school night, and he really misses Lovino.

He walks into the kitchen and pours himself some lucky charms and takes a seat at the table. He then receives a text.

It's from Lovi.


Antonio is puzzled. Thats not like Lovino.


Responds Antonio. After waiting for a minute, there is a response.

Just wanted to say, the movie was great, and you are a great kisser:3
I just hope Antonio doesn't find out...

Before Antonio can react, he sees another text.

Omg! This is Toni, I got the wrong contact...

Antonio drops his phone to the floor as tears well in his eyes. He runs up the stairs and to his room, leaving his phone, and his cereal. 
How could he do this? He thinks in rage. He thought Lovino cared! Heck, he saved his life! How could he be so senseless!

The tears roll down and soak the pillow he is crying into.
"Dammit" he screams, his Spanish accent strong. He goes to sleep then, in his clothes, feeling the most betrayed he ever has.

The next day at school in the yard, Lovino walks is over to him with a smile. He casually rests his arm on Antonio, who quickly slaps it off.
"Get off of me!" He shrieks, walking quickly away. How could he have the audacity to do that! Thinks Antonio. Just pretend it didn't happen?

Meanwhile, Lovino is chasing after him.
"Toni!" Yells Lovino.
"Leave me alone!" Antonio yells back, his voice quavering.

The time until lunch drags for Antonio. He doesn't know who he is going to sit with at lunch.

So when it rolls around, he sits alone. His burger looks dull and unappetizing. "I can't believe I thought I actually believed he cared about me. That me loved me." Says Antonio to himself.

Not soon after, Lovino walks up to his table.
"Why weren't you at the usual table? And what was up with this morning?" Lovino asks.

Tears well up in Toni's eyes.
"I can't believe you have the nerve to say that." Croaks Antonio, looking him right the eye.
"What are you-"
"How could you? How could you do this Lovi?" Antonio hisses, looking down.

Lovino cant be more confused.

He doesn't know why Antonio acting like this. He decides to sit down anyway, causing Antonio to leave.

The rest of the day is dull for the both of them.

As Lovino walks out of school, he searches for his Spaniard. When he finnally spots him by his car, he practically runs to him.
"I don't know what I did wrong but..but I love you dammit!" Shrieks Lovino, tears in his eyes. Antonio looks at him with tired eyes.
"If you love me than why did you go to the movies with someone else and kiss them?" Croaks Antonio.
"What are you talking about?" Lovino asks.
"Stop playing dumb! You texted me this last night and then realized it was the wrong number!" Says Antonio, holding out his phone.
Lovino snatches the phone and stares at it in disbelief.

"Antonio, I haven't had my phone in 2's lost." Says Lovino, earning disbelieving stare from his boyfriend.

"Well then who pulled this awful prank?" Asks Antonio, confused and happy.
"I don't know..." Lovino states.

They decide to call his phone using Antonio's, and they put it on speaker. They both hope that someone will answer. And to their surprise, that's exactly what happens.
"Ohonhonhonhonhonhon. Did you like my prank? I thought pranking you with Lovino's phone would be hilarious!" Francis giggles.

They hang up.

They frantically search for Francis, who is by the bus stop. As soon as he sees their enraged faces, he freezes.
"Mon amis, Antonio!" Says France holding out Lovino's phone, which Lovi snatches it from Francis's trembling hands.

Then Antonio happens.

"Francis, do you have ANY idea of what you put me through? I spent all night in bed crying until there were no more tears left! I thought my precious Lovi cheated on me! And I couldn't talk to my family, because they would be mad at the fact that I'm dating a boy! I was so alone, and I probably made poor Lovi feel like crap because I thought he cheated so I pushed him away! Francis, you are such and idiot! I can't believe you." Antonio says, finally feeling relieved.
"Je suis tres desole, mes amis. Au revoir" says Francis.
"I don't know French idiota!" Snaps Lovi.
"I said: I am very sorry my friends, goodbye." Francis says before running away.

"I am so sorry for treating you that way! Antonio says to Lovi. Lovi just gives a half smile and chuckles.
"If the tables were turned, you would have a black eye." Lovi says, laughing.
Antonio laughs lightly.

They stand in silence for a while.

"Toni, how much did you cry?" Asks Lovi.
"Enough to soak my pillow and turn my eyes bloodshot red." Blatantly answers Antonio, turning away.

When he turns back to face Lovino, his lips are attacked by soft ones that belong to Lovino. He feels Lovino's fingers gently holding his face. They are calloused due to playing the guitar. That's something they both do and enjoy, they both play the guitar.

Antonio snaps out of thinking and kissed back. His arms wrap around Lovino's lower back, pulling him closer.
The relief finally strikes Antonio. Lovino never cheated! He smiles into the kiss.

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